Scott Taylor For Delegate | 4768 Euclid Rd | Suite 105 | virginia beach | VA | 23462 |
This discussion is about the city of Hampton, Virginia. Talk about issues that involve the city government, school boards, committees and commissions, also party committees within Hampton.
Scott Taylor For Delegate | 4768 Euclid Rd | Suite 105 | virginia beach | VA | 23462 |
Scott Taylor For Delegate | 4768 Euclid Rd | Suite 105 | virginia beach | VA | 23462 |
Hi Robert,
The notary is all set to meet you at 5:30 tonight at Panera Bread. The notaries contact info is below:
Home Phone: (757) 825-2435
Cell Phone: (757) 256-2452
Also, the HUD for the signing is attached. Once we get the paid receipt for the insurance, we can remove that fee. Please make sure you have your driver's licenses with you.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Heather Turner | Processor Team Lead
Patriot Home Mortgage
direct: (435) 216-9496
office: (435) 256-8813
fax: (888) 674-8818
email: heather@patriothomemortgage.com
From: Robert B. Alexander [mailto:rob@alexanderofyork.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 12:56 PM
To: Heather Turner
Cc: Melissa Ann Alexander; Robert B. Alexander; Seth Christensen
Subject: RE: Settlement statement for review
So if we can wire the funds after the signing I suppose that would work. We may be able to show the payment to Allstate by tomorrow. I simply do not have the extra $1185 in the bank. So what do we bring tonight? Do we write two checks and you void the larger one when the paid receipt is available?
On Sep 18, 2013 2:43 PM, "Heather Turner" <heather@patriothomemortgage.com> wrote:
Ok, I was hoping I could get the paid receipt so I can take it off and then have you wire the funds to title. And not have a check today. Right now, the higher amount will be required until I can get the paid receipt.
Heather Turner | Processor Team Lead
Patriot Home Mortgage
direct: (435) 216-9496
office: (435) 256-8813
fax: (888) 674-8818
email: heather@patriothomemortgage.com
From: Robert B. Alexander [mailto:rob@alexanderofyork.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 12:34 PM
To: Heather Turner
Cc: Robert B. Alexander; Melissa Ann Alexander; seth@patriothomemortgage.com
Subject: Re: Settlement statement for review
I guess 5:30 at the Panera Bread, 2170 Coliseum Dr., Hampton, VA, would be convenient for us. Would that work? It's close to Bank of America which I guess I need to get a cashier's check or what do you need for our share? Will it be a little different from the last figures?
I checked with Allstate and they have not received the payment yet but I can check again at the end of the day.
On Aug 21, 2013 7:22 PM, "Heather Turner" <heather@patriothomemortgage.com> wrote:
Hi Robert,
The lender has sent closing instructions to the title company. The title
company has prepared the final settlement statement and I have attached it
here for your review. The cash to close is a little higher that I had
anticipated because of the reserves needed to start your new escrow
Here is a summary of the new loan:
-Loan amount is set at the max loan amount allowed for FHA Streamlines of
-Payoff of current mortgage is $204,676.25
-30 year fixed at 4.25%
- Your new TOTAL mortgage payment with taxes and insurance will be
-Cash due at closing in the form of a cashier's check (or you can wire
this to the title company) in the amount of $1632.80
- The credit from the lender covered all of your closing costs and left a
credit of $609 to go toward your prepaid items - These items are the daily
interest (line 901), amount needed to start the new escrow account(line
1001) and yearly premium of homeowners insurance that is due (line 903).
- You will be skipping both August and September mortgage payments. And
you will be receiving a refund of your current escrow account with
Nationstar a few weeks after funding. The payoff shows this amount to be
Please review this settlement statement and let me know if you have any
questions. Also, this settlement statement was based on you signing
today, we will need to adjust the daily interest according to the actual
date. Please let me know when we can get this scheduled for.
Heather Turner | Processor Team Lead
Patriot Home Mortgage
direct: (435) 216-9496
office: (435) 256-8813
fax: (888) 674-8818
email: heather@patriothomemortgage.com
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert B. Alexander [mailto:rob@alexanderofyork.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2013 2:33 PM
To: Heather Turner
Cc: Melissa Ann Alexander; Robert B. Alexander
Subject: Re: Status update - CLEAR TO CLOSE!
Thank you. I also received some paperwork in the mail and have a few
questions about it and the signing. Sorry if some of these sound dumb.
This would be at our house to sign the papers?
The money we would need to bring; is that to be in a check? and will it be
the "prepaid" amount on the paperwork we just received or will that change
depending on the date?
Also when would our next payment be once this closes?
The paperwork showed 31 days of prepaid interest. So does that mean that
if we did this on the 30th with these exact numbers, we would be covering
Septembers payment and would have our 1st payment due on October 1st?
Thank you again.
On 8/20/13, Heather Turner <heather@patriothomemortgage.com> wrote:
> Thank you Robert! What day and time would you and your wife be able
> to sign so I can request the documents for that?
> The title company will be sending out a mobile notary to meet with you
> and it can be in the evening if that is best.
> Please let me know.
> Sincerely,
> *Heather Turner | **Processor Team Lead* *Patriot Home Mortgage*
> direct: (435) 216-9496
> office: (435) 256-8813
> fax: (888) 674-8818
> email: heather@patriothomemortgage.com
> [image:
> http://patriothomemortgage.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/email-g.1.pn
> g]<http://patriothomemortgage.com/>
> [image:
> [image:
> [image:
> http://patriothomemortgage.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/email-g.4.pn
> g]<http://www.bbb.org/utah/business-reviews/mortgage-brokers/patriot-h
> ome-mortgage-in-st-george-ut-22303308>
> *From:* Robert B. Alexander [mailto:rob@alexanderofyork.com]
> *Sent:* Monday, August 19, 2013 7:09 PM
> *To:* Heather Turner
> *Cc:* Melissa Ann Alexander; Robert B. Alexander
> *Subject:* RE: Status update - CLEAR TO CLOSE!
> Ok, here is the signature page of each.
> On Aug 19, 2013 4:57 PM, "Heather Turner"
> <heather@patriothomemortgage.com>
> wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> The underwriter just got back to me and said that she will just accept
> what we have and not make us get a gift letter and bank statement.
> I do need to get the flood disclosure and other letter stating you
> cannot wait 10 business days to close.
> Can you send them over so I can get your file in line for closing
> documents?
> Sincerely,
> *Heather Turner | **Processor Team Lead* *Patriot Home Mortgage*
> direct: (435) 216-9496
> office: (435) 256-8813
> fax: (888) 674-8818
> email: heather@patriothomemortgage.com
> [image:
> http://patriothomemortgage.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/email-g.1.pn
> g]<http://patriothomemortgage.com/>
> [image:
> [image:
> [image:
> http://patriothomemortgage.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/email-g.4.pn
> g]<http://www.bbb.org/utah/business-reviews/mortgage-brokers/patriot-h
> ome-mortgage-in-st-george-ut-22303308>
> *From:* Robert B. Alexander [mailto:rob@alexanderofyork.com]
> *Sent:* Friday, August 16, 2013 3:48 PM
> *To:* Heather Turner
> *Cc:* Robert B. Alexander; Melissa Ann Alexander
> *Subject:* Re: Status update - CLEAR TO CLOSE!
> Well thank you for all your hard work on this but the item 3 is not
> going to happen. I've already asked a lot from my mother in order to
> borrow the money and while she does have it to spare, I'll not ask her
> for a bank statement nor can I ask her to sign that it was a gift.
> I'm also not sure about the flood certificates here. The home is not
> really supposed to be in a flood zone. The ground did not sink when
> the government changed the lines. They just did not do a detailed
> survey when the lines were changed to move us into the AE zone. We
> paid to have a survey done and it shows the elevation is fine. This
> allowed us to get affordable flood insurance rather than the rate
> otherwise required for the AE zone. I'm not sure that these forms
> amount to me committing myself to the higher rates which I will not pay.
> If this means we don't refinance than we'll have to live with that.
> On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 2:04 PM, Heather Turner <
> heather@patriothomemortgage.com> wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> I have your file all ready for closing now. I can get the documents
> sent to title for a signing on Monday if that works for you. But I
> will need to get the following back from you in order to do that:
> 1) Please sign, date and return the attached Flood Cert
> 2) Please sign, date and return the attached letter stating you
> wait 10 business days to close on the new mortgage.
> 3) And lastly, for the $3400 deposit, we will need to show it was a
> gift from your mother, attached is a gift letter for both you and her
> to fill out and sign. I will also need a copy of the check you
> deposited and a copy of her bank statement to show she had the funds to
gift you.
> I only need the flood cert items back before they will send the
> documents and the gift items before they will fund on the new loan.
> Which will be Friday, if you sign on Monday.
> Please let me know if you have any questions!
> Sincerely,
> *Heather Turner | **Processor Team Lead* *Patriot Home Mortgage*
> direct: (435) 216-9496
> office: (435) 256-8813
> fax: (888) 674-8818
> email: heather@patriothomemortgage.com
> [image:
> http://patriothomemortgage.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/email-g.1.pn
> g]<http://patriothomemortgage.com/>
> [image:
> [image:
> [image:
> http://patriothomemortgage.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/email-g.4.pn
> g]<http://www.bbb.org/utah/business-reviews/mortgage-brokers/patriot-h
> ome-mortgage-in-st-george-ut-22303308>
> *From:* alexanderofyork@gmail.com [mailto:alexanderofyork@gmail.com]
> *On Behalf Of *Robert B. Alexander
> *Sent:* Thursday, August 15, 2013 11:59 AM
> *To:* Melissa Ann Alexander; loan@alexanderofyork.com; Heather Turner
> *Subject:* RE: Status update
> Sorry I forgot the bank statement.
> On Aug 15, 2013 1:38 PM, "Alexander of York" <rob@alexanderofyork.com>
> wrote:
> Hazard Insurance: ALLSTATE INS CO
> ID Number 098992765
> Flood Insurance: ALLSTATE FLOOD INSURANCE ID Number 4802988851
> The phone number again is 757-766-0400
> The 3400 was a loan from my mother to catch up on mortgage payments
> not made while waiting to close on this loan and was required at the
> last minute in order for us to close last month. How should I word
> that in the letter that I must sign?
> On Aug 14, 2013 6:25 PM, "Heather Turner"
> <heather@patriothomemortgage.com>
> wrote:
> This communication, together with any attachments here to or links
> contained here in is property of Patriot Home Mortgage, for the sole
> use of the intended recipient's and may contain information that is
> confidential or legally protected. If you are not the intended
> recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, disclosure,
> copying, printing, dissemination, distribution or use of this
> communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this
> communication in error, please notify the sender immediately by return
> e-mail message and delete the original and all copies of the
> communication, along with any attachments hereto or links here in, from
your system. Company NMLS#715386.
> This communication, together with any attachments here to or links
> contained here in is property of Patriot Home Mortgage, for the sole
> use of the intended recipient's and may contain information that is
> confidential or legally protected. If you are not the intended
> recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, disclosure,
> copying, printing, dissemination, distribution or use of this
> communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this
> communication in error, please notify the sender immediately by return
> e-mail message and delete the original and all copies of the
> communication, along with any attachments hereto or links here in, from
your system. Company NMLS#715386.
> --
> This communication, together with any attachments here to or links
> contained here in is property of Patriot Home Mortgage, for the sole
> use of
> the intended recipient's and may contain information that is
> confidential or legally protected. If you are not the intended
> recipient, you are hereby
> notified that any review, disclosure, copying, printing,
> dissemination, distribution or use of this communication is strictly
> prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please
> notify the sender immediately by return e-mail message and delete the
> original and all copies
> of the communication, along with any attachments hereto or links here
> in, from your system. Company NMLS#715386.
This communication, together with any attachments here to or links
contained here in is property of Patriot Home Mortgage, for the sole use of
the intended recipient's and may contain information that is confidential
or legally protected. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby
notified that any review, disclosure, copying, printing, dissemination,
distribution or use of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you
have received this communication in error, please notify the sender
immediately by return e-mail message and delete the original and all copies
of the communication, along with any attachments hereto or links here in,
from your system. Company NMLS#715386.
This communication, together with any attachments here to or links contained here in is property of Patriot Home Mortgage, for the sole use of the intended recipient's and may contain information that is confidential or legally protected. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, disclosure, copying, printing, dissemination, distribution or use of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail message and delete the original and all copies of the communication, along with any attachments hereto or links here in, from your system. Company NMLS#715386.
I will have you wire the money tomorrow or Friday once we have the paid receipt and not have you give a check today.
Heather Turner | Processor Team Lead
Patriot Home Mortgage
direct: (435) 216-9496
office: (435) 256-8813
fax: (888) 674-8818
email: heather@patriothomemortgage.com
From: Robert B. Alexander [mailto:rob@alexanderofyork.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 12:56 PM
To: Heather Turner
Cc: Melissa Ann Alexander; Robert B. Alexander; Seth Christensen
Subject: RE: Settlement statement for review
So if we can wire the funds after the signing I suppose that would work. We may be able to show the payment to Allstate by tomorrow. I simply do not have the extra $1185 in the bank. So what do we bring tonight? Do we write two checks and you void the larger one when the paid receipt is available?
On Sep 18, 2013 2:43 PM, "Heather Turner" <heather@patriothomemortgage.com> wrote:
Ok, I was hoping I could get the paid receipt so I can take it off and then have you wire the funds to title. And not have a check today. Right now, the higher amount will be required until I can get the paid receipt.
Heather Turner | Processor Team Lead
Patriot Home Mortgage
direct: (435) 216-9496
office: (435) 256-8813
fax: (888) 674-8818
email: heather@patriothomemortgage.com
From: Robert B. Alexander [mailto:rob@alexanderofyork.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 12:34 PM
To: Heather Turner
Cc: Robert B. Alexander; Melissa Ann Alexander; seth@patriothomemortgage.com
Subject: Re: Settlement statement for review
I guess 5:30 at the Panera Bread, 2170 Coliseum Dr., Hampton, VA, would be convenient for us. Would that work? It's close to Bank of America which I guess I need to get a cashier's check or what do you need for our share? Will it be a little different from the last figures?
I checked with Allstate and they have not received the payment yet but I can check again at the end of the day.
On Aug 21, 2013 7:22 PM, "Heather Turner" <heather@patriothomemortgage.com> wrote:
Hi Robert,
The lender has sent closing instructions to the title company. The title
company has prepared the final settlement statement and I have attached it
here for your review. The cash to close is a little higher that I had
anticipated because of the reserves needed to start your new escrow
Here is a summary of the new loan:
-Loan amount is set at the max loan amount allowed for FHA Streamlines of
-Payoff of current mortgage is $204,676.25
-30 year fixed at 4.25%
- Your new TOTAL mortgage payment with taxes and insurance will be
-Cash due at closing in the form of a cashier's check (or you can wire
this to the title company) in the amount of $1632.80
- The credit from the lender covered all of your closing costs and left a
credit of $609 to go toward your prepaid items - These items are the daily
interest (line 901), amount needed to start the new escrow account(line
1001) and yearly premium of homeowners insurance that is due (line 903).
- You will be skipping both August and September mortgage payments. And
you will be receiving a refund of your current escrow account with
Nationstar a few weeks after funding. The payoff shows this amount to be
Please review this settlement statement and let me know if you have any
questions. Also, this settlement statement was based on you signing
today, we will need to adjust the daily interest according to the actual
date. Please let me know when we can get this scheduled for.
Heather Turner | Processor Team Lead
Patriot Home Mortgage
direct: (435) 216-9496
office: (435) 256-8813
fax: (888) 674-8818
email: heather@patriothomemortgage.com
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert B. Alexander [mailto:rob@alexanderofyork.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2013 2:33 PM
To: Heather Turner
Cc: Melissa Ann Alexander; Robert B. Alexander
Subject: Re: Status update - CLEAR TO CLOSE!
Thank you. I also received some paperwork in the mail and have a few
questions about it and the signing. Sorry if some of these sound dumb.
This would be at our house to sign the papers?
The money we would need to bring; is that to be in a check? and will it be
the "prepaid" amount on the paperwork we just received or will that change
depending on the date?
Also when would our next payment be once this closes?
The paperwork showed 31 days of prepaid interest. So does that mean that
if we did this on the 30th with these exact numbers, we would be covering
Septembers payment and would have our 1st payment due on October 1st?
Thank you again.
On 8/20/13, Heather Turner <heather@patriothomemortgage.com> wrote:
> Thank you Robert! What day and time would you and your wife be able
> to sign so I can request the documents for that?
> The title company will be sending out a mobile notary to meet with you
> and it can be in the evening if that is best.
> Please let me know.
> Sincerely,
> *Heather Turner | **Processor Team Lead* *Patriot Home Mortgage*
> direct: (435) 216-9496
> office: (435) 256-8813
> fax: (888) 674-8818
> email: heather@patriothomemortgage.com
> [image:
> http://patriothomemortgage.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/email-g.1.pn
> g]<http://patriothomemortgage.com/>
> [image:
> [image:
> [image:
> http://patriothomemortgage.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/email-g.4.pn
> g]<http://www.bbb.org/utah/business-reviews/mortgage-brokers/patriot-h
> ome-mortgage-in-st-george-ut-22303308>
> *From:* Robert B. Alexander [mailto:rob@alexanderofyork.com]
> *Sent:* Monday, August 19, 2013 7:09 PM
> *To:* Heather Turner
> *Cc:* Melissa Ann Alexander; Robert B. Alexander
> *Subject:* RE: Status update - CLEAR TO CLOSE!
> Ok, here is the signature page of each.
> On Aug 19, 2013 4:57 PM, "Heather Turner"
> <heather@patriothomemortgage.com>
> wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> The underwriter just got back to me and said that she will just accept
> what we have and not make us get a gift letter and bank statement.
> I do need to get the flood disclosure and other letter stating you
> cannot wait 10 business days to close.
> Can you send them over so I can get your file in line for closing
> documents?
> Sincerely,
> *Heather Turner | **Processor Team Lead* *Patriot Home Mortgage*
> direct: (435) 216-9496
> office: (435) 256-8813
> fax: (888) 674-8818
> email: heather@patriothomemortgage.com
> [image:
> http://patriothomemortgage.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/email-g.1.pn
> g]<http://patriothomemortgage.com/>
> [image:
> [image:
> [image:
> http://patriothomemortgage.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/email-g.4.pn
> g]<http://www.bbb.org/utah/business-reviews/mortgage-brokers/patriot-h
> ome-mortgage-in-st-george-ut-22303308>
> *From:* Robert B. Alexander [mailto:rob@alexanderofyork.com]
> *Sent:* Friday, August 16, 2013 3:48 PM
> *To:* Heather Turner
> *Cc:* Robert B. Alexander; Melissa Ann Alexander
> *Subject:* Re: Status update - CLEAR TO CLOSE!
> Well thank you for all your hard work on this but the item 3 is not
> going to happen. I've already asked a lot from my mother in order to
> borrow the money and while she does have it to spare, I'll not ask her
> for a bank statement nor can I ask her to sign that it was a gift.
> I'm also not sure about the flood certificates here. The home is not
> really supposed to be in a flood zone. The ground did not sink when
> the government changed the lines. They just did not do a detailed
> survey when the lines were changed to move us into the AE zone. We
> paid to have a survey done and it shows the elevation is fine. This
> allowed us to get affordable flood insurance rather than the rate
> otherwise required for the AE zone. I'm not sure that these forms
> amount to me committing myself to the higher rates which I will not pay.
> If this means we don't refinance than we'll have to live with that.
> On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 2:04 PM, Heather Turner <
> heather@patriothomemortgage.com> wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> I have your file all ready for closing now. I can get the documents
> sent to title for a signing on Monday if that works for you. But I
> will need to get the following back from you in order to do that:
> 1) Please sign, date and return the attached Flood Cert
> 2) Please sign, date and return the attached letter stating you
> wait 10 business days to close on the new mortgage.
> 3) And lastly, for the $3400 deposit, we will need to show it was a
> gift from your mother, attached is a gift letter for both you and her
> to fill out and sign. I will also need a copy of the check you
> deposited and a copy of her bank statement to show she had the funds to
gift you.
> I only need the flood cert items back before they will send the
> documents and the gift items before they will fund on the new loan.
> Which will be Friday, if you sign on Monday.
> Please let me know if you have any questions!
> Sincerely,
> *Heather Turner | **Processor Team Lead* *Patriot Home Mortgage*
> direct: (435) 216-9496
> office: (435) 256-8813
> fax: (888) 674-8818
> email: heather@patriothomemortgage.com
> [image:
> http://patriothomemortgage.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/email-g.1.pn
> g]<http://patriothomemortgage.com/>
> [image:
> [image:
> [image:
> http://patriothomemortgage.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/email-g.4.pn
> g]<http://www.bbb.org/utah/business-reviews/mortgage-brokers/patriot-h
> ome-mortgage-in-st-george-ut-22303308>
> *From:* alexanderofyork@gmail.com [mailto:alexanderofyork@gmail.com]
> *On Behalf Of *Robert B. Alexander
> *Sent:* Thursday, August 15, 2013 11:59 AM
> *To:* Melissa Ann Alexander; loan@alexanderofyork.com; Heather Turner
> *Subject:* RE: Status update
> Sorry I forgot the bank statement.
> On Aug 15, 2013 1:38 PM, "Alexander of York" <rob@alexanderofyork.com>
> wrote:
> Hazard Insurance: ALLSTATE INS CO
> ID Number 098992765
> Flood Insurance: ALLSTATE FLOOD INSURANCE ID Number 4802988851
> The phone number again is 757-766-0400
> The 3400 was a loan from my mother to catch up on mortgage payments
> not made while waiting to close on this loan and was required at the
> last minute in order for us to close last month. How should I word
> that in the letter that I must sign?
> On Aug 14, 2013 6:25 PM, "Heather Turner"
> <heather@patriothomemortgage.com>
> wrote:
> This communication, together with any attachments here to or links
> contained here in is property of Patriot Home Mortgage, for the sole
> use of the intended recipient's and may contain information that is
> confidential or legally protected. If you are not the intended
> recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, disclosure,
> copying, printing, dissemination, distribution or use of this
> communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this
> communication in error, please notify the sender immediately by return
> e-mail message and delete the original and all copies of the
> communication, along with any attachments hereto or links here in, from
your system. Company NMLS#715386.
> This communication, together with any attachments here to or links
> contained here in is property of Patriot Home Mortgage, for the sole
> use of the intended recipient's and may contain information that is
> confidential or legally protected. If you are not the intended
> recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, disclosure,
> copying, printing, dissemination, distribution or use of this
> communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this
> communication in error, please notify the sender immediately by return
> e-mail message and delete the original and all copies of the
> communication, along with any attachments hereto or links here in, from
your system. Company NMLS#715386.
> --
> This communication, together with any attachments here to or links
> contained here in is property of Patriot Home Mortgage, for the sole
> use of
> the intended recipient's and may contain information that is
> confidential or legally protected. If you are not the intended
> recipient, you are hereby
> notified that any review, disclosure, copying, printing,
> dissemination, distribution or use of this communication is strictly
> prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please
> notify the sender immediately by return e-mail message and delete the
> original and all copies
> of the communication, along with any attachments hereto or links here
> in, from your system. Company NMLS#715386.
This communication, together with any attachments here to or links
contained here in is property of Patriot Home Mortgage, for the sole use of
the intended recipient's and may contain information that is confidential
or legally protected. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby
notified that any review, disclosure, copying, printing, dissemination,
distribution or use of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you
have received this communication in error, please notify the sender
immediately by return e-mail message and delete the original and all copies
of the communication, along with any attachments hereto or links here in,
from your system. Company NMLS#715386.
This communication, together with any attachments here to or links contained here in is property of Patriot Home Mortgage, for the sole use of the intended recipient's and may contain information that is confidential or legally protected. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, disclosure, copying, printing, dissemination, distribution or use of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail message and delete the original and all copies of the communication, along with any attachments hereto or links here in, from your system. Company NMLS#715386.