Congressmen Scott Taylor and Bobby Scott Announce OMB Approval of Craney Island Expansion Funding  Recently, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approved a request from the Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for $3M in reprogrammed funds that will go towards the Craney Island Eastward Expansion (CIEE) Project. The Craney Island Eastward Expansion is a Congressionally-authorized Civil Works project which extends the life of the existing Craney Island Dredge Disposal Management Area and creates the foundation for a future marine terminal to continue to serve the US economy. Investment in CIEE leverages future federal and non-federal investments in channel deepening and widening projects as well as $1.5 billion in non-federal investment towards the marine terminal construction. The CIEE will provide Norfolk Harbor and Channels with an economically efficient, reliable and safe navigation system. As one of the nation's 13 strategic military ports, Norfolk Harbor is home to nationally significant assets, including Naval Station Norfolk, the 3rd largest container port on the East Coast, the largest ship construction and repair industrial base in the U.S., and the only nuclear carrier capable port facility on the East Coast. With a benefit-to-cost ration of 4.2 to 1, it is estimated the project will create 1,100 immediate jobs and more than 54,000 sustainable jobs after construction, with a total of $16 billion generated in National Economic Development benefits. This approval came after a strong collaborative effort between my office and Congressmen Bobby Scott's (VA-03). I am very pleased that our bipartisan approach was successful and that OMB decided to reprogram the funds for this vital project. To read the full joint-press release, click here. |