It is heartening to see more and more prominent conservatives across the Commonwealth capturing the essence of our campaign. For example:
"Tim Donner has captured a larger part of the heart-and-soul of the Tea Party movement than any of the other challengers." These were the kind words of blogger Shaun Kenney at Virginia's leading conservative blog, Bearing Drift following on the heels of what Bearing Drift founder JR Hoeft wrote about me this week, click HERE to read.
I appreciate the support of the many activists and Tea Party folks I have met over the campaign. However, there are a number of people, too many people, throughout the Commonwealth who are suspending judgment on this race for the U.S. Senate. While I appreciate that a rush to judgement is not wise, now is the time to take a stand.
One Challenger is the Key!
It is time, beyond time for us to UNITE behind one challenger to the establishment candidate--one challenger who possesses intellect, skill, accomplishment, judgment and the ability to communicate...the candidate who is the most principled, best represents your values, is not weighed down with political baggage, is in a sound financial position, and, importantly, who can appeal enough to general election voters to defeat Tim Kaine next November. I hope you will agree that I am that candidate..and I ask for your support.
As Yogi Berra once said, it gets late early around act now before it's too late!
If you haven't had the chance to meet me personally or hear me speak, please click on the images to the right and check out two new videos we have recently released:
The Real Problem focuses on the underlying problem in politics and how true citizen legislators are the answer to many of our nation's woes.
Right for the Times delves into what it does and does not mean to be a conservative circa 2011/12.
Thanks again for another exhilarating week. I hope to see you sometime soon, and remember - If you want a principled, capable and electable alternative to an establishment that doesn't care what you think, please donate TODAY by clicking HERE.
Thank you, and may God continue to shed his grace on this great land of ours.
Yours in Liberty,
Tim Donner