Sent: Fri, May 29, 2020 10:03 pm
Subject: Unusual photos
Have you seen the water in the Gulf of Alaska like it shows in the picture? What causes this phenomena? 
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FromSubject: Unusual photos
Doorway To HeavenMaple Ridge In Japan
A Hotel In The NetherlandsSheep Going Through San Boldo Pass, ItalyNew York City Absolutely Massive Lightning StrikeCompletely Spanning The Hudson River.
Under The Iceberg
Fallen Tree Is Holding Back The Duckweed
Solar EclipseThe Way This Ice Froze
Smog Over Almaty, KazakhstanThe Gulf Of Alaska, where two oceans meet but do not mix
The Eruption Of Mount Ararat
Philadelphia City Hall; Like being in Gotham
Fire and Tornado
Bent Rail Tracks After A New Zealand Earthquake
Looks Like One Of The Buildings Is Draining Energy From The Other
Sun Curling Up A Wave
Mammatus Clouds KANSAS
Frosted Trees
This Cloud Looks Like A Feather
Washed Car
Atop Mt. Javornik, Slovenia
A Pile Of Timber Reflecting In A Puddle
Lava Skull Descending Into The Ocean
Sky That Looks Like A Rough SeaPancake IceSpiral PineClouds In Hampton RoadsWaterspout Over Tampa Bay--I woke up this morning with devout thanksgiving formy friends, the old and the new.
--"If you think you can or if you think you can't you are right." Henry Ford