This discussion is about the city of Hampton, Virginia. Talk about issues that involve the city government, school boards, committees and commissions, also party committees within Hampton.
I have been taking care of some ducks. I have been taking care of them for about 3months now , basically they came here as baby's with their momma duck three different packs....had pack of 10 and momma duck...pack of 4 and a momma duck.another pack of 4 and a momma duck...well late last night aug. 29 or early today aug 20... Some sick individual or individuals ran over two full grown oversized beautiful 3 month old baby ducks one which was my favorite duck....I know I sound like a crying baby but they had become good friends with me and my grandson.. He feed them 3 times a day.. Ok here is the kicker of it all, ALL I MEAN ALL OF OUR DUCKS ARE NOW (MIA) and I think it is very suspicious that after the HIT AND RUN from the sickos that think this is funny..IF ANY BOO Person 1 Hair: Don't know. Would love to know Top: Same as first answer Bottom: Same Shoes: Same Vehicle 1 Color: Don't know but would love to
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