Road Project Updates
1. Victory Blvd. (Rt. 171) Right Lane Extension – This road project is near the Kiln Creek neighborhood. After crossing Rt.17 heading westbound towards I-64, there is a right turn lane for entrance into Walmart. The westbound through lane currently becomes a merge lane just past the Walmart entrance. VDOT plans to extend the westbound lane an additional 700 feet to create a fourth westbound (outside) lane. This will push Victory Boulevard traffic very close to the homes in Kiln Creek. VDOT held a public hearing on the project on November 28, 2024. The contract will be awarded in February or March 2025. Project completion is slated for late summer 2025.
2. Wythe Creek Road Project - The Wythe Creek Road project is comprised of two projects spanning from the Wythe Creek/Commander Shepard intersection in the City of Hampton to Huntlandia Way in the City of Poquoson for a total project length of 1.8 miles. The project provides a three-lane reversible roadway from Commander Shepard Boulevard to Cary’s Chapel Road. Two lanes will be operated in the southbound direction in the morning peak hours, and two lanes in the northbound direction in the afternoon peak hours. In the off-peak hours, the center lane will operate as a two-way center left turn lane. A new 1,500 feet long bridge will be constructed through the causeway area between Hampton and Poquoson, bringing the roadway surface elevation above the 100-year flood plain. A new signal will be constructed at the Wythe Creek/Cary’s Chapel Road intersection, and existing signals will be modified at the Voyager Drive and Langley Boulevard intersections. The existing roadway over the causeway will be repurposed to a sidewalk/multiuse path and new sidewalks will be constructed to provide a continuous pedestrian facility within the project area. The pavement north of Cary’s Chapel Road will be resurfaced. Upon completion, this project will add capacity, reduce congestion, improve pedestrian accommodations, add street lighting, and improve roadway drainage. The completion date is August 27, 2027. 3. Hampton Hwy. (Rte. 134) Bridge Rehab over Rte. 17 - The purpose of this contract is to replace the bridge deck and approach slabs and make minor repairs to the superstructure and substructure of the existing bridge on Rt. 134 (Hampton Hwy.) over Rt 17. The northbound traffic lane of the Rt. 134 bridge will be temporarily closed during construction and traffic will be detoured to Rt. 17 south via Victory Blvd (Rt. 171). Temporary median crossover on the approach roadways will be provided to maintain southbound traffic on Rt. 134 during the two phase construction. The bridge is located at 0.2 miles north of Yorktown Road (Rt. 706), Hampton Roads District. All work will be confined to the bridge deck and lane closures will be needed at times. This project will be funded with Federal Maintenance funds. The estimated start date is July of 2025 with a completion date in December 2026. 4. Virginia's Smart Scale Program (Revenue Sharing): (a) Route 17 Widening: This project will widen Rt. 17 (George Washington Memorial Highway) from 4 to 6 lanes between 1.5 miles north of Rt. 630 (Wolf Trap Rd.) and Rt. 173 (Denbigh Boulevard/Goodwin Neck Road). Project award date is April 2027. (b). Route 171 Widening: This project will widen Route 171 (Victory Boulevard) from 5 to 6 lanes between Rt. 17 and Rt.134. The lane will run from the GI Joe on Rt.17 to the Shell gas station on Rt. 134. The project will improve capacity and operational deficiencies at the intersection of Rt. 17 and Rt. 171. Estimate cost is approximately $4.7 million. Project award date February 2, 2025. (c). Victory Boulevard (Rt 171) capacity enhancements between Rts.134 (Hampton Hwy). and Rt.1740 (Heavens Way.) This project will decrease congestion by installing a center turn lane at North Boman (Holly Meade neighborhood), and shoulder improvements. The project includes installation of a shared use path along Rt. 171 between Rt. 134 and Heavens Way. The shared use path will connect to the paths being developed by HRSD behind Tabb High School. VDOT is currently analyzing project requirements. The contract award date for Victory Blvd. expansion is March 2028. Contract award date for the shared use path is January 2030. 5. I-64 Gap Widening Project between York County and Richmond – This is a Design Build Project. RFP advertisement was November 2023. April 2024 was the award. Completion is scheduled for November 2027. Thanks to Delegate Barry Knight for getting $500 million for the project. 6. Crosswalk Review - Meadowlake Rd. Based on a review by VDOT, the following is recommended for Meadowlake Rd. at the intersection with Murray Way, Lanahan Dr., and Susan Newton Ln (These roads are in or border the Victory at Tabb neighborhood): (a) Install three High Visibility Crosswalk pavement markings are recommended on the north leg of Meadowlake Rd. and Murray Way, the north leg of Meadowlake Rd. and Lanahan Dr., and the south leg of Meadowlake Rd. and Susan Newton Ln. (b) Install six Pedestrian Warning signs on Meadowlake Rd. and Murray Way, Lanahan Dr., and Susan Newton Ln. at the crosswalk locations on both sides of the street. (c) Supplement the two Pedestrian Warning signs with six Down Arrows panels. (d) The County should pursue the installation of supplemental pedestrian facilities along Meadowlake Rd including sidewalks and ramps. 7. Paving: VDOT has no road paving planned in District 5 for 2025. |