Friday, February 17, 2012

Capitol Monitor - Next Week: Town Hall Meetings

Congressman Randy Forbes | Capitol Monitor
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Next Week: Chesterfield Town Hall & Listening Series

Americans are looking for leaders to bring people together to solve problems, not divide them for political gain.  To that end, I believe the common-sense solutions we need to fix our nation's problems will come from hardworking taxpayers, not Washington.  Next week, I will be holding a series of town hall meetings and listening sessions in Chesterfield County. 

I want to have a fact-based conversation about job creation, the economy, our national debt, government spending, and other issues facing our nation.  I know you have great ideas, and I want to hear them.

You can download a copy of my full schedule for next week here or by clicking the image below. Sign up for the town halls open to all Fourth District constituents here.

Learn more at

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Great News for Virginia's Fourth District
This week, Virginia's Fourth District saw two major wins for our region that I am excited to share with you.

Navy Calls Off Plans to Move Carrier from Norfolk to Mayport, Florida
For more than four years, I have worked with my Hampton Roads colleagues to fight the Navy's attempt to move a nuclear aircraft carrier from Norfolk Naval Station, Virginia to Mayport, Florida, a decision that was made without providing lawmakers any compelling national security rationale.  Historic fiscal challenges and the devastating prospect of a trillion dollars in defense cuts have only bolstered our argument that such a move would not just be strategically unnecessary, but also fiscally irresponsible. 

On Monday, the United States Navy announced it cancelled its plans to move an aircraft carrier from Norfolk Naval Station, Virginia to Naval Station Mayport, Florida. This is a tremendous victory for the citizens of Hampton Roads, who proudly provide vital industrial services to our nation's Armed Forces.

Over a Thousand Jobs Protected
I recently sent a letter to Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) Secretary Sebelius expressing concern over a proposed change in HHS policy from an open, competitive bidding process for the multi-billion dollar 1-800-MEDICARE contract, to a GSA contracting vehicle limited to three telecommunications carriers.

The proposed change in policy would have resulted in the loss of 1,084 jobs for those currently employed in the Chesterfield General Dynamics Information Technology facility.

This week, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services  announced that the contract would remain "full and open," providing General Dynamics with the opportunity to once again compete for this contract and provide an essential service to beneficiaries and caregivers.

At a time when we seem to be surrounding by bad news, it is great to celebrate this news for Virginia's Fourth District.

Congressman Forbes listens in on a call during a visit to Chesterfield General Dynamics/Vangent last week.

Gov't Regulations, Health Care Costs Curb Small Business Hiring
A new poll by Gallup shows that 85% of small business owners surveyed are not hiring due in part to regulations and health care costs. Read more on Randy's blog. 
Follow this link to learn more. 
Video: Forbes Questions Secretary of Defense on Budget Cuts
Congressman Forbes questioned the Secretary of Defense on defense budget cuts during a House Armed Services Committee hearing this week. Watch their exchange.
Follow this link to watch. 
Federal Budget Available as an App
The Government Printing Office has made the President's federal budget request available for the first time in a mobile app. Use the link to learn more.
Follow this link to learn more. 
Other News
Feb 15, 2012
Forbes Speaks at "Defending Defense" Conference to Discuss the Security Implications of Obama's Defense Budget for 2013 
Feb 13, 2012
Forbes' Statement on Chinese Vice President Xi Jingping's Visit to the United States  
Feb 13, 2011
Forbes Applauds HHS for Abandoning Policy Change Preventing Chesterfield Business from Competing for Government Contract  
  Congressman Forbes helps stuff USO Care Packages for our troops.
  Congressman Forbes meets with his constituents from the Virginia National Guard while in Afghanistan.
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