Tuesday, May 31, 2016

PRESS RELEASE: House Armed Services Committee Chairman, Committee on Veterans' Affairs Chairman Endorse Forbes

Forbes For Congress

House Armed Services Committee Chairman, Committee on Veterans' Affairs Chairman Endorse Forbes

 "His continued leadership on the Armed Services Committee is valuable not only to the Second District, but also to the national security of the entire country."

Date: May 31, 2016
Contact: Hailey Sadler, Communications Director, (757) 692-2108

Virginia Beach, VA -- Today, Congressman Randy Forbes announced the endorsement of Congressman Mac Thornberry, Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee and Congressman Jeff Miller, Chairman of the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs. These two individuals are in charge of the two Congressional committees in the House of Representatives that have the most direct impact on our servicemembers and Armed Forces. As Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, Thornberry is responsible for legislation that governs the Department of Defense and our military services. As Chairman of the Committee on Veterans' Affairs, Miller oversees the majority of legislation that touches the lives of American veterans -- their jobs, medical care, benefits, and homes. 

Here is what they have to say about Congressman Forbes' leadership in Washington:

Chairman Mac Thornberry, House Armed Services Committee: "Congressman Forbes has demonstrated a commanding knowledge of the threats our nation faces, and has put forward serious solutions to keep our country free and safe. The depth of his understanding and expertise on defense issues, as well as his experience fighting on behalf of our Armed Forces, make him a forceful leader on our Committee. As Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, I feel there is no one more qualified to serve Hampton Roads and protect the military assets unique to that region than Randy Forbes."

Chairman Jeff Miller, House Committee on Veterans' Affairs: "I've known Randy for over a decade and I can say with confidence that the veterans who have served this country can have no more effective advocate in Congress than Randy Forbes. He's the type of a leader who will stand up and fight for what is right, even if that means standing alone. His work protecting commissaries for military families, pushing for better medical care for our heroes, and supporting legislation to help with veteran homelessness and joblessness has been enormously valuable for veterans in Virginia as well as across the country. Our veterans need leaders of action in character -- our veterans need Randy Forbes in Congress."

Forbes is one of the most senior members of the House Armed Services Committee and currently chairs the Subcommittee that oversees key Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force programs that represent a major lifeblood of the Hampton Roads economy. He has been awarded the highest civilian honors by both the U.S. Army and U.S. Navy for his work on behalf of the military. He has also been awarded the Virginia Council of Chapters of the Military Officers Association of America "Legislator of the Year" Award, AMVETS Silver Helmet Award, and the Reserve Officers Association's President's Award for his steadfast defense of our veterans and servicemembers.

Congressman Forbes has been endorsed by 7 Former Secretaries of the Navy, some of America's retired Navy SEAL Commanders, who collectively led 7 SEAL teams, and over 50 retired military officers from across the region. Additionally, more than 120 of the region's top executives and business leaders have lined up to support Randy Forbes, as well as over 40 elected government officials across the Second District at the local, state, and national levels -- including Congressman Scott Rigell (VA02) and Congressman Rob Wittman (VA01).

# # #

 Paid for by Forbes for Congress


Randy Forbes for U.S. Congress · United States
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Saturday, May 28, 2016

Randy Forbes = the leader we need

Friend –

I've had the privilege of knowing Randy Forbes for many years – both as a friend, mentor, and a fellow public servant. I admire his passion for public service and his commitment to being "the people's representative." As home to one of the country's most diverse population regions, I know Hampton Roads and the 2nd Congressional District would be well-represented by my friend Congressman Forbes. 

Randy's top priorities are protecting national security and serving those who have served this nation. As Chairman of the Seapower and Projection Forces Subcommittee and a Senior Member on the House Armed Services Committee, we need Randy to help protect our region's job and industrial base, as well as to ensure we have a capable and ready military to protect our nation now and in the future.

Randy is also a leading supporter of the U.S.-Philippine alliance and the welfare of Filipino-Americans here in the United States and in Hampton Roads, where we have one of the largest concentrations of Filipino-Americans residing here. In recognition of their dedicated service to this country, Randy recently cosponsored a bill to recognize the Filipino Veterans of World War II, and he supports keeping our commitments to all who have served our country. Randy has also worked with me in developing stronger trade between the U.S. and the Philippines in imports and exports and he is working to promote our Port of Virginia. Randy has introduced the Visa Integrity and Security Act that will bring back integrity in the immigration process and help bring properly screened immigrants to the United States to be reunited with their loved ones. I'm also pleased that a majority of our most distinguished Filipino-American leaders and organizations have endorsed Randy Forbes.

There's a reason why: he's the leader our region needs. His experience, seniority, and vision for Hampton Roads' future makes him the best equipped to serve our community and lead us forward -- I urge you to join me in supporting his election on June 14th.

Yours in service,


Delegate Ron Villanueva
21st District, Virginia House of Delegates and
Chairman of the House Transportation Committee

P.S. There are less than 3 weeks until the election on June 14th -- Team Forbes needs your help now. Phone banking hours at the Forbes Campaign Headquarters in Virginia Beach are 9AM-8PM Monday-Friday and 9AM-2PM on Saturday. Sign up here to volunteer or give Team Forbes a call at (757) 428 - 0270 if you can help out.


Randy Forbes for U.S. Congress · United States
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Friday, May 27, 2016

PRESS RELEASE: Forbes Receives Outstanding Civilian Leadership Award from U.S. Navy League

Forbes For Congress

Forbes Receives Outstanding Civilian Leadership Award
from U.S. 
Navy League

Prestigious Award Bestowed in the Past to Seapower Giants Such as Carl Vinson and John C. Stennis

Date: May 27, 2016
Contact: Hailey Sadler, Communications Director, (757) 692-2108

Virginia Beach, VA -- Congressman Randy Forbes announced today that the Navy League of the United States has awarded him the 2016 Robert M. Thompson Award for Outstanding Civilian Leadership. Forbes received this award in recognition of his unwavering support of our men and women in uniform and his significant contributions towards strengthening the U.S. Navy through his work as Chairman of the House Armed Services Seapower and Projection Forces Subcommittee.

The award recognizes "dedicated and outstanding efforts to maintaining powerful naval forces and ensuring that our Sailors and Marines have the tools they need to complete their missions" and has been awarded to great advocates for American seapower such as Carl Vinson and John C. Stennis.  

"It is both a privilege and a duty to work to strengthen America's Navy," said Forbes. "As I look at the increasingly complex international challenges our nation faces, I believe we are entering an age where we will ask a great deal of our Sea Services. So goes America's Navy and Marine Corps, so will go our nation."

Named after the Father of the Navy League, the Robert M. Thompson Award was established in 1957 to recognize inspirational individuals who have been vigilant in maintaining America's maritime strength. This award is selected by the Navy League Sea Services Awards Board consisting of distinguished former leaders of the Navy and Marine Corps and chaired for the 39th year by former Secretary of the Navy J. William Middendorf, II.

Forbes is one of the most senior members of the House Armed Services Committee and chairs the Subcommittee that oversees key Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force programs that represent a major lifeblood of the Hampton Roads economy. He recently authored legislation that authorized the most funding for shipbuilding since the Reagan era. He has also been endorsed by America's top retired Navy SEAL Commanders -- who collectively led 7 SEAL teams -- as well as 7 Former Secretaries of the Navy, and over 50 retired military officers from across the Second District. Forbes has received the highest civilian honors from both the U.S. Army and the U.S. Navy for his work on behalf of men and women in uniform. 

# # #

 Paid for by Forbes for Congress


Randy Forbes for U.S. Congress · United States
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Thursday, May 26, 2016

Throwback Thursday...

Friend --

It's Throwback Thursday and I can't help but look back on Randy's service and think about how proud I am that he is a leader we can count on to take courageous stands for the values we hold dear. Here are a few throwbacks to some of his accomplishments that stand out over the years...

  • Back in 2010, it was Randy who successfully led early efforts to block the Obama Administration from bringing GTMO detainees to U.S. soil. He still leads that fight today.
  • As Chairman of the Prayer Caucus, it's Randy who has been leading the charge to protect military chaplains' faith freedoms. Due to his leadership, the Air Force revised its policies to more clearly reflect the priority of conscience protections for servicemembers and chaplains.
  • It was Randy who defeated efforts to relocate an aircraft carrier from Norfolk to Mayport, Florida -- keeping thousands of jobs and millions of dollars in income in Hampton Roads. He also blocked the Administration's efforts to delay the refueling of another aircraft carrier.
  • When it was time to vote on bailouts and stimulus packages under both Bush and Obama, it was Randy who was one of only 17 Members of Congress to vote against every single bailout.
  • When the Marines needed an amphibious assault ship, it was Randy who secured the funding.
  • It was Randy who led the fight on the House floor to protect commissaries and other benefits our military families rely on.
  • Over the years, when others caved in to political correctness, it has been Randy who has stood in the gap, defending student group's freedom to live out their faith beliefs, individuals' right to pray in public, and the rights of non-profits and groups like Little Sisters of the Poor not to be forced by the government to violate their beliefs.

That's why I'm proud, but not surprised, when I hear people like Rear Admiral Jay M. Cohen, U.S. Navy (Ret.) say that, "No Virginia Congressman has done more to benefit all of Hampton Roads and our military personnel and the welfare of their families than Randy Forbes."

But right now, we face a challenging election -- with less than 3 weeks until the primary day on June 14th. To continue this fight, Randy needs your support now more than ever. Will you help us by donating today? Friends, we are in this fight for our country together. Thank you for your support, prayers, and friendship. You have blessed our lives more than you know!

Yours in friendship,

Shirley Forbes

P.S. One last #tbt... styles may have changed over the years we've been together (look at that suit!) but who this man is and what he stands for hasn't changed. We celebrate our 38 years anniversary on June 23rd, and I love and respect him even more today.

Contributions to Forbes for Congress are not tax deductible as charitable donations for federal income tax purposes. Contributions from corporations, labor unions, foreign nationals without green cards, and federal government contractors are prohibited. Federal law requires political committees to use their best efforts to obtain and report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer of each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in a cycle. Funds received in response to this solicitation are subject to federal contribution limits. An individual may contribute $5,400, a couple can contribute $10,800.


Randy Forbes for U.S. Congress · United States
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InstaPoll: Veterans’ Wait Times

Congressman Randy Forbes


This week, Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald drew heavy criticism when he downplayed veterans' wait times, stating to reporters at a Christian Science Monitor breakfast in Washington: "When you go to Disney, do they measure the number of hours you wait in line? Or what's important? What's important is what's your satisfaction with the experience?"

These comments drew sharp rebukes from a number of veterans organizations, lawmakers, presidential candidates, and citizens across the country. In response, calls have been made for Secretary McDonald's immediate resignation.

This controversy comes at a time when the VA is under continued scrutiny for its failure to resolve the extended wait times veterans are experiencing for medical treatment. In a March 2016 report, the Government Accounting Office cited delays in treatment for newly enrolled veterans, stating: "nearly half were unable to access primary care because VA medical center did not schedule appointments for these veterans in accordance with VHA (Veterans Health Administration) policy."

Congressman Forbes has supported legislation to increase accountability and oversight at VA hospitals, and worked to hold the Hampton Veterans Affairs Medical Center accountable for the unacceptable claims backlog.

Question of the week: In light of his recent comments, do you believe Secretary McDonald should be removed as head of the Department of Veterans Affairs?

(  ) Yes.
(  ) No.
(  ) I don't know.
(  ) Other.

Take the poll here.

Find out the results of last week's instapoll here.                    

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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

people are talking...

Friend –

People across the Second District are talking about Randy, and why he's hands down the best choice for Virginia's Second District. Here's what they are saying:

"He is the strongest defender the Second District could possibly have for our military, our family values, and our religious freedoms." -- Harvey Bryant, Former Virginia Beach Commonwealth's Attorney

"I spent my career in our Navy's Special Warfare community, and I know the importance of being able to trust that someone has your back. Randy Forbes has always had the backs of our warriors and their families, and I know he always will." -- RDML Thomas Richards, former head of the Navy SEALS

"Randy Forbes is a powerful voice on behalf of all Virginians. We need him in Congress now more than ever." -- B. Rod Rodriguez, CEO Bay Mechanical, Inc.

"Hampton Roads is fortunate to have such a tireless advocate working on our behalf. I'm proud to support Congressman Randy Forbes' re-election." -- Matt Mulherin

"On June 14th, the choice is clear: our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines need Randy Forbes in Congress, and he needs your vote." -- MC (SEAL/EOD) Kenneth J. Stethem, USN (Ret.), former member of SEAL Teams FOUR, SIX, and EIGHT

I'm proud to join in endorsing Randy's campaign in the Second District -- along with the majority of the Virginia Beach Republican Delegation in the General Assembly. I strongly urge you to join me in supporting and voting for Congressman Randy Forbes. I am convinced we could have no stronger advocate for our national security, our military, or our conservative values. But there are less than 3 weeks left before the election on June 14th – so we need to act now. Join Team Forbes today.

Yours in service,


Delegate Barry Knight
Member (81st District)
Virginia House of Delegates

P.S. Are you leaving town over June 14th? Take 10 minutes and apply online for an absentee ballot right now >> https://vote.elections.virginia.gov/VoterInformation. Every vote counts!


Randy Forbes for U.S. Congress · United States
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Saturday, May 21, 2016

A vision for our region's future

Friend -- 

During yesterday's debate, I spent some time laying out my vision for what I believe Hampton Roads' future can look like if we partner together.

This election isn't about one person -- it's about our future as a region. Some say we need a fresh start. I say we need fresh ideas. Here are just a few opportunities for our future that I am excited about:
  • First of all, look at the incredible cyber work happening here at Joint Staff South. I believe we have the resources, personnel, and potential for this region to become the "Silicon Valley" of cyber.
  • You've heard me talk about hypersonics, which could be America's new "Sputnik" moment for the 21st century. The aeronautic engineers we have right here at NASA Langley can meet this challenge -- and we will help them.
  • As we speak, the Panama Canal is preparing to double its capacity. And Hampton Roads -- home to a natural 50-foot shipping channel and two Class-1 railroads -- stands ready to receive this economic activity. Let's light up our ports with my 414 Plan to build roads, and with partnerships to grow the businesses moving into our region. We can be the shipping destination of choice on the Eastern seaboard.
  • Hampton Roads sits on a potential goldmine in innovation. Let's turn our home into the nation's epicenter for unmanned systems -- in the air, on the seas, and under the seas -- for all the services and for commercial industry.
  • And, last but not least, shouldn't it be here, our home, where we will rebuild America's Navy to the 350 ships our national defense needs? Because -- I believe -- so goes America's Navy, so goes America.
I'm excited about what we can do together to grow this region and build a future for Hampton Roads as the epicenter for national defense for the country. Building this vision for our future takes partnerships and working shoulder-to-shoulder with one another. Your partnership is important to me. If you believe in this vision -- join me today.

Yours in service,


P.S. If you believe in what I stand for, and want to be part of this vision for building a future for Hampton Roads, would you consider making a donation today? We only have a few critical weeks left until the primary on June 14th. Make a contribution of $25, $50, $100, $500 or even $1000 today to if you're standing with me.

Contributions to Forbes for Congress are not tax deductible as charitable donations for federal income tax purposes. Contributions from corporations, labor unions, foreign nationals without green cards, and federal government contractors are prohibited. Federal law requires political committees to use their best efforts to obtain and report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer of each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in a cycle. Funds received in response to this solicitation are subject to federal contribution limits. An individual may contribute $5,400, a couple can contribute $10,800.

Paid for by Forbes for Congress


Randy Forbes for U.S. Congress · United States
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Daily Press: Fast-forward investment

Friend —

I want to make sure you see this great editorial in the Daily Press about the "Sputnik moment" our nation faces in the area of hypersonics. I'm pleased that the Daily Press is bringing this issue the public attention it deserves, and excited about the role that NASA Langley and Hampton Roads could play in the development of this game-changing technology. You can read the full editorial
here or below.

Yours in Service,


Fast-forward investment
Daily Press
May 16, 2016 

Just last month, the Chinese media announced a successful flight test of that country's new "hypersonic glider."

Don't let that name fool you.

This so-called "glider" is an ultimate flying machine, capable of moving through the air at speeds of between Mach 5 and Mach 10 — five to 10 times the speed of sound. The technology is expected to be used in Chinese missile systems of the future.

Rep. Randy Forbes, R-Chesapeake, a member of the House Armed Services Committee, said that if the Chinese can make that technology viable, it would leave little time for American air and missile defense systems to respond to an attack.

Meanwhile, Rep. Forbes points out that Russia, too, also is moving along with hypersonic technology development. It's working with India on a short-range supersonic cruise missile that can carry nuclear warheads.

The congressman calls this time "a Sputnik moment" for the United States.

That was a reference to the time in the 1950s that the U.S. realized the Soviet Union was far ahead of us in space technology — courtesy of its successfully sending its Sputnik satellites into orbit. That set off a massive American investment in the space program over the next decade, culminating in Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walking on the moon in 1969.

Of the more recent Chinese and Russian advances, Rep. Forbes said: "This should be a similar kind of Sputnik moment for us to realize we have got to reach not only existing levels of hypersonic (technology) — but we have to go to new horizons."

We agree.

Quite simply, keeping pace with our potential adversaries on something as fundamental as how fast a missile can move is crucial to America's national defense. It's crucial to our nation. So it's worth our time and attention — and federal cash.

So let this new race begin.

The military — specifically the Air Force — will take the lead on developing hypersonic technology, but NASA Langley Research Center also will play a key role, as will other NASA centers and outside contractors such as Boeing and Pratt & Whitney.

This won't be a small-dollar operation, of course. It hasn't yet been spelled out how much taxpayer money it will cost, but given how expensive research and development can be these days, the effort will clearly run well into the billions of dollars.

That's why both the Air Force and NASA headquarters must ensure that this taxpayer money is spent judiciously. This can't become another government sinkhole. These agencies must make sure the research is wisely focused on our military's actual needs and that our researchers and defense contractors work in a cost-efficient fashion.

But we also note that investment into such research programs over the years has often paid off many times over through an array of technological advances.

NASA research, for example, has helped bring us everything from better smoke detectors in our homes to more advanced satellites in our skies.

It's helped us more reliably predict weather patterns. It's helped make our planes and even our roadways safer. Airports and roads, for example, now have NASA-spurred safety grooving that helps prevent accidents by increasing friction between wheels and the concrete.

We also have better television satellite signals, portable X-ray machines, programmable pacemakers, breast cancer detection, GPS navigation systems, voice-controlled wheelchairs and memory mattress foam — all thanks at least in part to basic NASA research.

Though hypersonic technology's first application will be for military use, NASA says the effort is likely to eventually also boost space capabilities in such areas as propulsion systems, re-usable vehicles, and high-temperature materials.

In recent months, the congressman has helped created a new Bipartisan Congressional NASA Caucus, a group of lawmakers who will work together to champion the agency — and push for more money. That would be along the lines of the "Congressional Shipbuilding Caucus," lawmakers that advocate for more money for shipbuilding.

It's a wonder that a NASA caucus didn't exist already, given the agency's influence in Florida, Texas, Virginia and Maryland, and suppliers across many states. But such cooperation could be crucial as new money-hungry initiatives proceed.

We can't predict now — any more than we could in the 1960s — where all the research into hypersonic technology will lead. But we believe it will lead to new advances, and that our country will be a better place to live for having made these investments.

Read the full editorial here.


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Friday, May 20, 2016

PRESS RELEASE: Forbes Demonstrates Effectiveness, Knowledge, Wins Va Beach Chamber Debate

Forbes Demonstrates Effectiveness, Knowledge
Wins Virginia Beach Chamber Debate

Date: May 20, 2016
Contact: Hailey Sadler, Communications Director, (757) 692-2108

Virginia Beach, VA -- Today, Congressman Forbes' demonstrated his effectiveness, experience, and superior depth of knowledge on national defense issues, clearly coming out on top in the Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce's Congressional debate. 

"Hampton Roads doesn't just rely on a strong military -- a strong military relies on Hampton Roads," said Congressman Forbes. "Our region -- our home -- represents the intellectual and industrial front-lines of the national security of this country. It's here that we rebuild the Navy and equip those who fight to keep us safe with the resources they need to come home safe.

Ultimately the question is this: If your job is on the line, who do you want fighting for your job? If the bottom line of your business is on the line, who do you want fighting for that bottom line? And if your sons and daughters are across the globe and they need resources to make sure they can keep us safe and come back safe themselves, who do you want fighting for them?

I believe in protecting and defending this nation. I believe in growing and sustaining the region I call home. That's why I am running for office, and that's why I'm asking for your vote on June 14."

Throughout the course of the debate, Congressman Forbes laid out a vision of fresh ideas for Hampton Road's future as the country's epicenter for national defense. This includes:
  • Authorizing the highest levels of shipbuilding funding since the Reagan era
  • Rebuilding the Navy to the 350 ships our national defense needs
  • Seizing on America's "new Sputnik moment" with hypersonics at NASA Langley
  • Expanding space and military missions at Wallops Island
  • Lighting up the ports with his 414 plan to accelerate the construction of roads and bridges
  • Supporting further innovation and discovery at Jefferson Labs in Newport News
  • Promoting Modeling and Simulation and partnering with community colleges for increased technical workforce training
Among those attending the debate in support of Congressman Forbes were multiple Gold Star families, including:
  • Carl and Jean Dozier, the parents of SSG Jonathan Dozier, United States Army Infantry, who was killed in action on January 9, 2008 in Iraq
  • Randy and Wendy Childers, the parents of LCPL Cody Childers, United States Marine Corps, who was killed in action on August 20, 2010 in Afghanistan 
  • Mark and Nancy Stets, the parents of SSG Mark Stets, Jr. United States Army, who was killed in action on February 3, 2010 in Pakistan
  • Brady Snyder, the son of LT Sean Christopher Snyder, United States Navy, who was killed in a helicopter accident off the coast of Virginia Beach on January 8, 2014
Congressman Forbes has received the endorsement of some of America's top retired Navy SEAL Commanders, who collectively led 7 SEAL teams, as well as 7 Secretaries of the Navy, over 50 retired military officers, 120 top business leaders from some of the region's most established employers, and over 40 elected and conservative leaders from across the Second District. His supporters include the majority of the Virginia Beach Republican Delegation in the General Assembly. Both Congressman Scott Rigell, (VA02), and Congressman Rob Wittman, (VA01), have endorsed Randy Forbes.

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Randy Forbes for U.S. Congress · United States
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Thursday, May 19, 2016

Update from the Forbes for Congress Campaign

Friend –- 

I wanted to give you a brief update on where things stand as we head into the last three weeks of this primary election.

First, we are in a strong position to capture the GOP nomination on June 14th. The campaign has been working tirelessly to ensure that all the signs, 4x8's, phone calls, and literature are getting out the door and in the hands of voters. Recently, the Forbes campaign launched its first TV ad, which clearly defines what this nomination -- and election -- is all about: who is best positioned to stand against President Obama and his dismantling of our military and defeat ISIS? CLICK HERE to watch the ad.

Just this week, we launched our first radio ad, which features a former head of the Navy SEALs talking about why Randy Forbes is the leader our Armed Forces need. CLICK HERE to listen.

On top of running an aggressive grassroots campaign district-wide -- Randy has also been busy promoting and ensuring that Hampton Roads maintains its unique place in the national defense of our nation and its role in developing and combating the newest threats on the horizon. The Daily Press, The Virginian-Pilot, WAVY, and WVEC recently featured his work.

All Politics is Comparative

As we head into the final weeks of the nomination, the campaign here in the 2nd district will no doubt heat up. The rhetoric that comes from Scott Taylor is only going to continue to become more shrill (as if it couldn't be any more) and I wanted to lay out a few points to consider the next time you hear Taylor lob another personal attack on Randy Forbes.

Point 1 - Polling 

In a survey his campaign released in February -- with lots of fanfare -- Scott Taylor pronounced the race a "tie" (our own internal polling had Randy up double digits). Then in the past few weeks, Taylor released another survey, conducted by the same pollster, showing Taylor losing by 4 points. Folks, that's not a trajectory a campaign wants to be on heading into the final weeks of campaign.

Point 2 - Financial Support

In his most recent campaign finance report, the Taylor campaign showed a lack of support from within the district in the important area of campaign resources. Posting a measly $53,000 (of which 10K came from a personal loan) cash on hand compared to nearly $900,000 cash on hand from the Forbes campaign. It's not always about the money, but people who contribute who live within the district also contribute with their VOTES

Point 3 - Grassroots

Nothing is more illustrative of the differences between the campaigns than in the area of grassroots. With over 200 committed volunteers, we submitted 5,000 signed petitions -- more than Scott Taylor and Pat Caldwell submitted COMBINED. We have over 200 4x8's in every locality in the District (and growing) and thousands of individual signs across the District -- not to mention an impressive showing of dedicated volunteers at each of our neighborhood walks, call nights, and community events. The energy and momentum is palpable. 

Point 4 - Endorsements

It says a lot that while our opponent can count the number endorsements he has received on one hand, Randy has received the endorsement of some of America's top retired Navy SEAL Commanders, who collectively led 7 SEAL teams, as well as 7 Former Secretaries of the Navy, over 50 retired military officers, and over 200 business, community, conservative, and elected leaders from across the Second District. Not to mention the majority of the Virginia Beach Republican Delegation to the General Assembly has backed Randy. These endorsements speak to how much people respect Randy and trust him to effectively represent them in Congress. Read the full list HERE.

Point 5 - Debates

We have one confirmed debate at the Chamber of Commerce this week. We had hoped to coordinate two other debates hosted by party leaders -- but on both occasions Scott Taylor attacked the proposed debate moderators and scuttled plans – despite our efforts. See a pattern developing here? We at the Forbes campaign certainly do.

Point 6 - Message

Ask yourself one question. "What has Scott Taylor said during this entire campaign that he would do if he were my Congressman?" I think you would be hard pressed to find one concrete proposal where Taylor has said anything -- be it in the mail, on the radio, or robo calls -- that isn't just a personal attack on Randy Forbes. Contrast that with the message that has consistently come from Randy Forbes. A consistent conservative whose top priority is defeating the enemies of the United States and ensuring that Hampton Roads maintains its position as not only the home of the greatest Navy in world, but that its men and women in uniform are equipped and trained to not only excel, but come home.

The choice couldn't be more clear.

As we head into "crunch time" and the frequency of the Taylor campaign's attack robo-calls heat up – keep these points in mind and all of your questions will be answered. On to victory on June 14th!

Thanks for your time,


Chris LaCivita
Forbes Campaign Strategist
757-428-0270 (Office)
911 First Colonial Rd | Suite 200 | Virginia Beach, VA 23454

Paid for by Forbes for Congress


Randy Forbes for U.S. Congress · United States
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PRESS RELEASE: Forbes Leads Bipartisan, Bicameral Letter on Basing MQ-4C Triton at Wallops Island

Congressman Randy Forbes

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Date: 05/19/2016                               

Forbes Leads Bipartisan, Bicameral Letter on Basing MQ-4C Triton at Wallops Island  
Forbes Leads 17 Members from Both Parties and Houses in Support of Basing Triton at Wallops
Washington, D.C. –Congressman J. Randy Forbes (VA-04), Chairman of the House Armed Services Seapower and Projection Forces Subcommittee, led a bipartisan, bicameral letter to the Secretary of the Navy and the Chief of Naval Operations urging the use of Wallops Island, Virginia as the permanent East Coast base for the MQ-4C Triton unmanned aircraft. The letter was signed by 18 members of the House and Senate from Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware.

"Wallops is an ideal site for basing unmanned aircraft…," the letter said. "Despite its central location in the Mid-Atlantic, Wallops enjoys uncrowded airspace and its rural environs generate no encroachment issues. With two 8000-foot runways and the taxiways and apron space to support additional aircraft, Wallops is ready to accommodate Triton with minimal additional construction. In addition, it is already an established center of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) activity and home to a number of UAVs, including NASA's RQ-4 Global Hawks, an aircraft very similar to Triton." 

Congressman Forbes recently visited Wallops Island and has been outspoken about the benefits of basing the Triton at Wallops Island. The Navy is currently considering Wallops as one of three East Coast options for permanently basing the MQ-4C Triton unmanned maritime patrol aircraft. The Triton provides real-time intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities in maritime and coastal regions. Should the Navy select Wallops as the permanent East Coast location, it would serve as both a launch and recovery site, as well as an operational-level maintenance hub, supporting rotational deployments of personnel and aircraft outside the United States. Roughly 400 additional personnel plus their families would be stationed there.

Wallops' central location in the Mid-Atlantic Region; its proximity to Patuxent River, Maryland where the Triton is developed; the presence of NASA's own RQ-4 Global Hawks (a similar aircraft) at Wallops; and the facility's relatively uncrowded airspace make it an ideal permanent location for this platform. Currently, the Navy is conducting an environmental assessment, with a decision on the permanent basing of the Triton expected later this year.

The facility at Wallops Island, Virginia is home to some of the most innovative work in the commercial space industry, and supports the needs of both NASA and the Department of Defense. Whether it is providing field carrier landing practice to Navy pilots, supporting rocket launches as part of Missile Defense Agency exercises, or serving as one of two U.S. sites launching vital cargo to support the International Space Station, Wallops is an integral part of U.S. space efforts.

See below for text of the letter:

May 18, 2016


The Honorable Ray Mabus                                              Admiral John Richardson
Secretary of the Navy                                                     Chief of Naval Operations
1000 Navy Pentagon                                                      2000 Navy Pentagon
Washington, DC 20330-1670                                           Washington, DC 20350-2000

Dear Secretary Mabus and Admiral Richardson,

We write in support of selecting Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia as the East Coast Forward Operating Base for MQ-4C Triton unmanned aircraft. We believe Wallops will provide an ideal home for these revolutionary aircraft and for the Sailors and families supporting them.   

Located on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, Wallops is located less than 100 miles from the fleet concentration area in Hampton Roads. Naval aviation already has a well-established presence at Wallops, with E-2 and C-2 aircraft using Wallops on a routine basis for fleet carrier landing practice. Basing the first operational Tritons at Wallops would locate those aircraft in close proximity to NAS Patuxent River and Naval Air Systems Command, where the Triton was developed and tested. It would also place them in close proximity to the fleet at Naval Station Norfolk, the Master Jet Base at NAS Oceana, and the entire Virginia Capes operating area. We believe that basing Triton in close proximity to these other Navy facilities, headquarters, and operating forces will create synergies and facilitate the faster integration of Triton into the Navy's battle network. We also believe that Wallops' location provides a superior base of operations for conducting maritime surveillance missions throughout the entire Atlantic.     

Wallops is an ideal site for basing unmanned aircraft, in particular. Despite its central location in the Mid-Atlantic, Wallops enjoys uncrowded airspace and its rural environs generate no encroachment issues. With two 8000-foot runways and the taxiways and apron space to support additional aircraft, Wallops is ready to accommodate Triton with minimal additional construction. In addition, it is already an established center of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) activity and home to a number of UAVs, including NASA's RQ-4 Global Hawks, an aircraft very similar to Triton. Unlike at many other locations, UAVs are a familiar sight in Wallops' airspace. Air traffic controllers in the region are familiar and comfortable with UAVs, including the Triton, stemming from its development period at nearby Patuxent River. Compared to other locations being considered, Wallops is also less adversely impacted by severe weather and flooding, and enjoys lower costs for housing, living, and construction.

Last but not least, Wallops and other Navy, Department of Defense, and Federal facilities in Virginia benefit from the strong support of the communities of which they are a part. As those communities' representatives in the House and Senate, we pledge to fully support an expanded Navy mission at Wallops. 

We look forward to further discussing this matter with you, and providing whatever support the basing selection process may require. 


Senator Benjamin L. Cardin

Senator Tom Carper

Senator Christopher A. Coons

Senator Tim Kaine

Senator Barbara A. Mikulski

Senator Mark R. Warner

Representative Donald S. Beyer, Jr.

Representative John C. Carney, Jr.

Representative Barbara Comstock

Representative Gerald E. Connolly

Representative Donna Edwards

Representative J. Randy Forbes

Representative Andy Harris

Representative Scott Rigell

Representative C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger

Representative Robert C. "Bobby" Scott

Representative Chris Van Hollen

Representative Robert J. Wittman






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FW: Sheriffs Serving Norfolk, Williamsburg, James City County, York County, Poquoson, and Chesapeake Endorse Forbes

Friend -- 

Thought you might be interested in seeing this. As sheriffs who have the privilege of serving our communities, we are endorsing Randy Forbes as the trusted, tested, capable choice for Virginia's Second District.

Bottom-line: there's no greater conservative voice in Congress or stronger advocate for our men and women in uniform than Randy Forbes. Now is not the time for untested leadership -- this region would suffer immeasurably without his experience and integrity.

We are proud to endorse him and invite you to join in working alongside us to elect this patriot on June 14th.

Yours in service,

Sheriff Danny Diggs, York-Poquoson

Sheriff Bob Deeds, Williamsburg-James City County

P.S. This week is National Police Week, and it's wonderful to see the nation pause to recognize the law enforcement officials who serve to keep our communities safe. But it's even better to know that Randy Forbes has our back in Congress every day of the year. We hope you will join us in standing with Randy on June 14th.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Hailey Sadler <haileysadler@randyforbes.com>
Date: Thu, May 19, 2016 at 10:46 AM
Subject: PRESS RELEASE: Sheriffs Serving Norfolk, Williamsburg, James City County, York County, Poquoson, and Chesapeake Endorse Forbes

Sheriffs Serving Norfolk, Williamsburg, James City County, York County, Poquoson, and Chesapeake Endorse Forbes

Second District Sheriffs on Congressman Randy Forbes:

"No greater conservative voice," "Man of character"

"Record of fighting for Virginia jobs," "The right man for the job"

"Advocate for our men and women in uniform"

"This region would suffer immeasurably without the leadership and integrity of Randy Forbes"

Date: May 19, 2016
Contact: Hailey Sadler, Communications Director, (757) 692-2108

Virginia Beach, VA -- Today, Congressman Randy Forbes announced the support of some of the region's most well-respect law enforcement officials. These sheriffs, serving Norfolk, Williamsburg, James City County, York County, Poquoson, and Chesapeake with over 140 years of combined service, have offered their unequivocal endorsements of Congressman Forbes. Here's what they have to say about why they are supporting Forbes for the Second District:

Sheriff Bob McCabe, Norfolk: "I have seen firsthand Congressman Randy Forbes' ability to solve problems in a bipartisan way. With his knowledge on national security issues and his record of fighting for Virginia jobs, I am confident that he's the right man for the job."

Sheriff Jim O'Sullivan, Chesapeake: "Whether it's law enforcement, U.S. Marines, Airmen, Sailors, or Soldiers -- our men and women in uniform know that Randy Forbes always has their back and always will. I'm proud to endorse this man of character to represent the Second District."

Sheriff Danny Diggs, York-Poquoson: "This region would suffer immeasurably without the leadership and integrity of Randy Forbes."

Sheriff Bob Deeds, Williamsburg-James City County: "There's no greater conservative voice in Congress or stronger advocate for our men and women in uniform than Randy Forbes."

"Our local law enforcement officers put duty before self, working on the front-lines to protect our homes, our communities, our children, and our lives," Congressman Forbes said. "I am deeply honored to have the support of such distinguished public servants as Sheriffs Diggs, Deeds, McCabe, and O'Sullivan. These men serve our communities with courage and dedication, and I will continue to work to support all of our law enforcement officers who put themselves in harms way for our safety." 

Congressman Forbes has served as a champion for law enforcement in Congress, supporting legislation increasing federal funding for law enforcement technologies, establishing a Blue Alert system throughout the U.S. to help speed the apprehension of violent criminals who kill or seriously injure law enforcement officers, and improving laws permitting qualified retired law enforcement officers to carry concealed firearms, to name a few. Recently, he introduced a bill to immediately deport any alien who is a member of a violent criminal gang, and has supported legislation to address the growing opioid crisis in America.

Forbes is one of the most senior members of the House Armed Services Committee and serves as Chairman of the Subcommittee that oversees key Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force programs that are the lifeblood of the Hampton Roads economy. He has been awarded the highest civilian honors by both the U.S. Army and U.S. Navy for his work on behalf of the military. Congressman Forbes has also been endorsed by top retired Navy SEAL Commanders, who collectively led 7 SEAL teams, 7 Former Secretaries of the Navy, over 50 retired military officers, more than 120 of the region's top executives and business leaders, as well as over 40 elected government officials across the Second District at the local, state, and national levels, including Congressman Scott Rigell (VA02) and Congressman Rob Wittman (VA01).
# # #

 Paid for by Forbes for Congress


Randy Forbes for U.S. Congress · United States
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