, As a retired Marine 1st SGT, former small business owner, and counter-terrorism analyst, I learned to be clear, concise, and to get straight to the point, so that's what I'll do. My name is John Collick and I'm running to replace a liberal leftist and Pelosi patsy in Virginia's 3rd Congressional District and I need your help... As Americans, we're going down a path of no return and that's why 2020's election will be the most important in U.S. history. Can you donate $25, $50, or anything you can do to help oust Nancy Pelosi in the fall and put a veteran in Congress who loves his country to help fight for our Commonwealth and country?... ...the choice is clear. The radical left now supports defunding our police, destroying our history, rioting and violence, and economic crushing socialist policies. It's time to draw a line in the sand. It's time to get rid of B.S. - Bobby Scott. Here in Virginia and across the country, elected officials like Governor Northam and Speaker of the House Pelosi have let the most radical parts of their party take complete control. That's why they must be soundly and completely defeated in November. It starts here by fighting for our district and all of Tidewater. That's why I'm asking every patriot in Virginia to help me replace Bobby Scott, a radical Democrat in Congress, so we can get our economy back working again and support President Trump...can you contribute $25 or even $50 today? If we do not win in November, our history, Constitutional rights, and everything we hold dear as freedom-loving Americans could disappear forever... ...and even if President Trump wins, he will face witch-hunt after witch-hunt from Pelosi, Schiff, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's squad if we do not take back Congress. We're sick and tired of the radical left and American's are showing this in 2020. Conservatives have won in blue areas in local elections across the Commonwealth (even in Northern Virginia!) and we even won a special in deep-blue Los Angeles. We need to fight to take back the 3rd here in Virginia. This is the year to take back America. You know how radical the left has become. You've seen the unhinged Democrats turn the socialism and the antics of Antifa. You know they need to be defeated. I'm fighting to represent Norfolk, Suffolk, Hampton, Chesapeake, Portsmouth, Isle of Wight, and Franklin because it's my home; where I chose to bring up my children. It's the home of my family and now my grandchildren. So here's where I stand on the issues. Education is one of the reasons we're now in this position. That's why I'll fight for school choice (to include transportation paid by the home school district), smaller classroom sizes, and assistance for parents to learn how to help develop children's study habits... ...EVERY American child deserves the same high-quality education, without regard to his/her neighborhood, social status, ethnicity, or any other factor. Also, not every child is destined for college. Vocational Technical High Schools are more important than ever, particularly in the school districts where unemployment is higher than the national average. The Right to Self-Defense is inherent in humanity and in the United States, includes the Right to own personal weapons. Currently, Democrats at every level, from local governments up to the U.S. Congress, are constantly working to deprive law-abiding Americans of their rights to own guns. Not one proposed law is aimed at taking guns from criminals – or people who receive guns illegally. They all "explain" the need to take guns away from law-abiding citizens. We are rapidly moving toward general gun confiscation. All it will take is another person merely states he thinks a gun owner might be a danger to local authorities. The authorities will confiscate that person's weapons; the weapons might be returned if a court decides the gun owner is not a threat. Fewer and fewer people are inclined to say that another person poses no threat - a judge would be no different. Statistics clearly show that when a properly trained individual is present during the shooting, the threat is quickly mitigated. Unfortunately, when someone prevents a mass shooting, it's rarely reported outside of the local area but when a mass shooter is successful, it's reported as an epidemic. Immigration must be addressed. We must... -
Stop all waivers for people who overstay their visa -
Visa overstays must leave the U.S. and reapply for an immigrant visa -
Holders of tourist visas cannot change the status to become immigrants -
Biometrics are required of all persons entering the U.S. upon initial entry and confirmed at every additional entry -
Adults using a child who is not their child (or under their legal care) to enter the U.S. should never be allowed to enter the U.S. -
Build Border Ports of Entry (POE), like POEs at international airports, to control who enters the U.S. Right to Life - The most basic right of every American is the Right to Life. As the father of a Down Syndrome son, I believe all life is sacred and am unapologetically pro-life. Therefore, I will fight any efforts by the various state legislatures to legalize abortion after the first trimester of pregnancy or whenever a baby can feel pain.
- I will also fight to require medical personnel to render both lifesaving and life-sustaining care to any baby born alive, no matter the circumstances were concerning its birth.
Bobby Scott (D-VA), with a 100% pro-abortion rating, would prevent health professionals from providing lifesaving or life-sustaining care to a baby who would otherwise survive. Lastly, It's my pledge that I'll be one of President Trump's most effective allies in Congress. I'll fight to protect your rights especially when it's needed most. I'll fight the Democrat's attacks on our rights. They'll use every crisis they can to give more power to the government. Nancy Pelosi and today's liberals are waging a war against our country, our Constitution and our Pro-America values I had the privilege of defending our great nation against radical Islamic terrorists as a Marine 1st SGT and counter-terrorism analyst. I cannot just sit back and watch the radical left destroy our county and commonwealth. That's why I am doing everything I can to fight to take back the 3rd District in Virginia. Can you help by donating $25, $50, $100, or even $250 today? Just like you, I disagree with just about everything the ultra-left-wing Democrats stand for. ... I'm going to need the support of patriotic conservative in Virginia to get this done. Patriots like you. You can find out more about me by clicking here. It's time to elect a Conservative Military Veteran to represent the good people of the 3rd Congressional District. It's time to elect John Collick to the U.S. Congress. For Virginia,  John Collick Candidate for Virginia's 3rd Congressional District  |
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