Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The #1 issue- illegal immigration

Illegal Immigration is the #1 issue for most Americans. Everything else, except for WWIII, is secondary.

However, many people think illegal immigration is humanitarian compassion.  If that's you, see: Viral presentation using gumballs to show perils of mass immigration continues to resonate, 28 years later

If saving Social Security and Medicare, jammed freeways, crowding, the cost of things, and America's future is important to you, see: Immigration by the Numbers

Those videos are 28 and 10 years old respectively. In the last 4 years, Biden-Harris allowed ~15 MILLION more illegal aliens into the USA so the consequences are totally out of date and will be much worse.

The impact of illegal immigration on the USA catastrophic.  For information on the direct and indirect consequences, cost, and how catastrophic see the still very pertinent, 12-year-old report THE DARK SIDE OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. Then double the numbers as the number of illegal aliens has doubled in the past twelve years.

If safety and the rule of law is important to you, Biden and Harris as well as most members of Congress don't give a damn about all the Americans that have been sexually assaulted, seriously injured, killed, or murdered by illegal aliens.  Then there's the MS13 and Tren de Aragua gangs, among others, the drugs, and the human trafficking.

Enclosed is my first poster that contains 163 Americans by name and the state where they were killed by illegal aliens. Most people, and even the MSM, only know of or ever talk about a few. The rest of the victims are mostly unknown and forgotten… except by their families and friends. It's been going on for decades , increasing as the number of illegal aliens increase, but the MSM and YOUR Government don't want you to know which is probably why the Govt and most Law Enforcement Agencies do not record or report the nationality of the perpetrators commiting the crimes because Americans would be shocked if they knew.

Those are just some of the victims of crimes committed by illegal aliens that resulted in Americans dying. Some were accidents that anybody could have caused, except for the fact that they never would have happened if our immigration laws had been enforced and the illegal alien wasn't in the USA to begin with.  However, many are gruesome, sexually motivated crimes, and often committed by repeat offenders and previously deported illegal aliens.  The poster does not include any of the tens of thousands of sexual assaults committed by an illegal alien where the victim wasn't killed nor any of the Americans who were seriously injured.

Go to www.voiac.us for the stories of how these Americans died.  To read about more, including where Americans didn't die, see Serious Crimes Committed by Illegal Aliens

BTW, the first poster is formatted as a 11" x 17" and the second is a 24" x 36" poster. Vista Print or Got Print will print out either at a nominal cost.  Maybe you can print some and post them on your Congressperson' office door in the state or national Capital.

But for the grace of God, you, a family member, or even your entire family could just as easily have been on the poster.

There is only one person running for POTUS and only one Party who will do anything about illegal aliens.  Vote informed and wisely so you don't end up on the next poster.

If this information has helped or informed you, feel free to share it with family and friends and post it on your social media accounts as I don't do social media – I'm too busy creating the next "more Americans killed by illegal aliens" poster.  Unfortunately for America, I have enough information for many more posters. They will eventually be posted on Victims of Illegal Alien Crime. NOTE: until I figure out the formating, to read the stories you'll need to click on VOIAC on the bottom of the website.

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