Dear Patriot, After sharing with you the rough cut of our first national television ad, we've received an incredible amount of support and suggestions from our membership. This is an historic ad campaign, and we're working hard to get it right! All of your suggestions are giving us the tools we need to develop the perfect ad to highlight the face of the Tea Party! Thank you to everyone has viewed the ad and given us your suggestions! As we fine-tune the production of the television ad, it's important to keep in mind what our goals are. We've seen an increase in the frequency and intensity of the attacks against the Tea Party from the left. There is a segment of the American public that gets its impression of the Tea Party solely from the mainstream media, and it's become increasingly important for us to provide a strong counter-voice to the incessant lies being spread by big-government politicians and their allies in the media! Whether it's Joe Biden calling us "terrorists," Maxine Waters telling us we can go "straight to hell," or Jimmy Hoffa, Jr. calling us SOBs, it's obvious that no one in the mainstream media is going to stand up to defend us. This is why we're launching an aggressive media campaign across television, radio, and the internet. We will introduce America to the real face of the Tea Party: the single mothers, military veterans, blue-collar workers, and everyday patriots! Since starting production of our ad, the cost of purchasing airtime has gone up dramatically. We know that times are tough and not everyone can afford a large donation. But every donation, however small, is pooled together with the donations of thousands of other patriots from across the country to have a huge effect. In order to reach our goal of $150,000 by the end of the day, we still need 500 patriots to make a donation of $100 or more, and 100 heroes to make a donation of $500 or more. Our ability to counteract the lies and hate from the left depends on your support. Please, help the Tea Party movement by making a generous contribution. We continue to be humbled and honored by your support. Thank you, Todd Cefaratti Freedom Organizer P.S. Please help our efforts by forwarding this email to a friend using this link: Forward this message to a friend  Contributors Hero Level: $500+ Douglas WACO TX Dan Le Mars IA Eddie Decatur TX Sylvia Pewaukee WI David Austin TX Raymond Rochester NY James Cheshire CT Alan San Clemente CA BRIAN MUSCATINE IA Patriot Level: $100-$499 (Partial List. Names will continually published until list is complete.) Ivan Internationalfalls MN George Torrington CT Verna Layton UT Rudy Hudson OH Kiska Enterprise AL Juri Clearwater FL raymond St. Louis MO John Georgetown MA john mill valley CA Allyn San Juan Capistrano CA Anatoly Alameda CA Kevin Simsbury CT eugene PAWNEE OK roger eden GA James Jupiter FL Robert North Brunswick NJ Lee League City TX luther holly lake ranch TX Curtis Big Prairie OH Judy Indpls IN John Montgomery TX Lulu Albany GA Denver D Smiths AL Morton Stockton CA Grace Marianna FL Steven Oakton VA Laurence Allen TX Bruce Aventura FL Jim Ortonville MI William C Stroudsburg PA Michele Bronx NY Jeffery Minnetrista MN Floyd Rogers MN Greg Eastman WI Edward Denver CO Guy Woodstock GA Louis Grass Valley CA baruch encino CA Lee Hickory NC Charles Conroe TX Barry Greenville MS William Palm Beach FL Ted Oconomowoc WI victor b. mohegan lake NY mary Freehold NJ Nancy Dunwoody GA Paul Green Valley AZ claire Neshanic Station NJ Dwight Lake Charles LA Janet Austin TX Sandra La Grange, NC Betty Selah WA Roland Rochester MI Richard Ladera Ranch CA Roy Peoria AZ Terry Fulton MO William Saugerties NY Frank Safety Harbor FL Stan Crestline CA Paul Houston TX gordon appleton WI Stephen Knoxville TN John Stanley NC Kristopher St Paul MN Bob Apache Junction AZ Donald Richland WA B Ruth Oklahoma City OK Jimmy Tampa FL Linda Kennett Square PA Suzanne Charlotte NC Luis Canovanas PR Christine La Habra CA Brian Centennial CO Thomas Wauwatosa WI Ray Livingston TX Hulon R Huffman TX SANDY Naples FL Karen Wood Olympia WA James Tacoma WA Eric Camarillo CA Brian Dayton OH John Shalimar FL Harold Spring TX Brent Park City KS Ornery San Diego CA Lawrence D Candler NC Lyndon Comanche TX Andrew West Linn OR Jeffrey Springfield PA Susan Douglasville GA Ed c Sugar land TX Richard Bowling Green OH Billy Blue Ridge TX Don Phoenix AZ Roberto Missouri City TX Ken Lafayette IN John Cayucos CA LC Bulverde TX Loyce Warner Robins GA Merlin Kennedale TX John Dallas TX Lawrence Baton Rouge LA oscar lynchburg VA Christine Raymond CA Chris hamilton NJ Michael Kettering OH John Hartfield VA DAVID OAK RIDGE TN Susanne Whitefish MT James T Hartland MI Daniel Hampstead NH fran Honolulu HI jason norman OK Dorothy Winter Park FL David Nashville TN John B Berkeley Heights NJ Herbert Vero Beach FL Anne M Prescott AZ Mary Pasadena CA Richard Fort Worth TX Patricia Lake Worth FL Peter Lillington NC EDWARD RALEIGH NC Daniel Northfield IL Larry Hillsdale IN Ray La Quinta CA william seattle WA William Woodstock IL carol shepherdsville KY JoAnne Albuquerque NM John Mt.Vernon OR W. Darrell Lewes DE Thomas Las Vegas NV Charles Sykesville MD Gerard Lantana TX Rosemary Myrtle Beach SC Patricia Oyster Bay NY Edward Pittsburgh PA Richard Tallahassee FL Joan The Villages FL MICHAEL HIGHLAND MI Kendall Honolulu HI Lizabeth Aubrey TX Lauren Castle Rock CO Robert Folly Beach SC George Knoxville TN Don Knoxville TN Prabhaker Blackwood NJ James Manassas VA Stuart Tucson AZ Earle Tyler TX Alan Tyler TX Reginald Battle Creek MI David Severna Park MD Robert North Brunswick NJ George Auburn IL Rochelle Columbia Falls MT Paul Novato CA Robert Palmyra ME jason blanchard OK Margaret L. Alvin TX William brentwood TN joseph wasilla AK Tim sacramento CA Anatoly Alameda CA Gordon Klein TX f wesley noblesville IN Ronald Jacksonville FL tom carmej CA Patrick Honolulu HI Mark Port St. Lucie FL Charlene Fullerton CA Wesley Eau Claire WI Wayne Wayzata MN Joe San CArlos CA ralph richardson TX Richard Ellington MO lance tulsa OK charles new boston NH Clifford Ridgefield WA Paul Port Saint Lucie FL Harold Payson AZ John Twin Mountain NH Joseph Houston TX Tammy Aventura FL Frank Red Oak IA Thomas Eastchester NY Wayne Roswell GA Alexander Peabody MA Marc Smithton PA John East Hampton NY daniel beaumont TX derek Hicksville OH MATTHEW philadelphia PA Lois Shoshoni WY Don Rowlett TX Lauren Columbus GA Jerry Lakewood NJ Emily Anderson SC Norman Onalaska WI paul sag harbor NY Dr. Matthew S. Holton KS Martin kopperl TX SHIELA Odessa TX MICHAEL Baldwin MN Jack APO AE Gretchen Marengo IL Joseph A.. Fallston MD shane SAlado TX John Yorkville IL Jim & Ruth Casey IL Robert Warner Robins GA ROBERT HUNTINGTON WV Gloria Kalamazoo MI Fred Sweetwater TX Rick Chesterton IN TERRY ST CHARLES MO James T. Homosassa FL Gary Hondo TX Patricia Kerhonkson NY Arthur Tigard OR Hugh Houston TX ROB Hagerstown MD Jim Bellevue IA Warren Cincinnati OH Thomas Stone Mountain GA Ronald Marion IA Dan & Teresa Poway CA James Lake Worth FL Scott Sonoma CA CHARLES CANTON MI Ronald Roswell GA christine marie deerwood MN Norman Bradenton FL RICHARD Lilburn GA Ralph Strathmore CA Glenda Strathmore CA Lori Addison IL Floyd Maryville TN alan boca raton FL Arnold Fort Worth TX James Murrysville PA john suwanee GA Thomas Augusta GA stephen pittsburgh PA Raymond SAN DIEGO CA JOE CHESAPEAKE VA Shirley Hershey PA Bruce Concord CA Dr Kurt Roclkin CA Paul Lake Forest IL Earl De Pere WI Willaim Greenville SC Glenn Inman SC Robert Colfax WA Glenn Chester Springs PA Edith San Mateo CA MARK HUNTSVILLE AL Nancy Allen, TX Toni & Roy Cave Creek AZ Richard B. Seattle WA james tucson AZ Donald Palmer AK David McKinney TX GLORIA J. SHREVE OH patrick Holualoa HI FRANK RICHWOOD NJ James W Clark NJ Michael Glendale AZ William Flanders NJ Morna Helena MT Nicholas El Cajon CA HAROLD (HAL) WILDWOOD FL JOHNNIE CHINO CA Dave Linden MI Jack Holts Summit MO WILLIAM DENNIS MA John Yorkville IL John Lake Forest IL Charles Broadlands VA Alexander Houston TX Richard Naples FL jean conroe TX Betty Martinsville IN Ralph Thjornton CO Earl Shoreline WA Donald Connellsville PA janet baltimore MD Rodney J Issaquah WA Patrick BELLEAIR FL Wilbur Fredericksburg TX Roger Mt. Carroll IL Gene Hasty CO Donna Orlando FL Donna Temple TX John R Langley WA Richard Cambridge MA Don Monument Beach MA Ken Holden MO To make a contribution by mail, please click here or address to: | 1717 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 1025 | Washington, DC 20006 Toll-free: 866-928-6555 |
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