Monday, November 7, 2011


Campaign Logo

November 7, 2011
Dear Patriot:
The Associated Press and Politico (a liberal-leaning Capitol Hill print and online newspaper) were sure that they would bring Herman Cain down. His supporters are not buying it. Mr. Cain has raised 1.2 million dollars in the last four days. Americans are tired of dancing to the tune of the establishment, whether Democrat, Republican or mainstream media.
We don't know exactly what happened 15 years ago. We do know that Herman Cain has conducted himself with straightforward honesty in the face of some very old, very vague allegations which by strange coincidence came out shortly after he achieved frontrunner status. We also know something else, to which I can attest personally: most liberals hate black conservatives and will do almost anything to bring us down. To be sure, the far left hates all conservatives. However, they reserve particularly toxic venom for any black person who dares leave the liberal plantation. I know because I have been stung by that venom more than once. I could give you a long list of the insults, but here is just example of the things posted about me on liberal blogs: 
 Another Uncle Tom being a braindead suck-up to the White ruling class. Coward." Little-Kiwi
These attacks will come more aggressively and more strategically as my support grows. Winning 65% in a Virginia straw poll conducted by the Shenandoah Valley Tea Party was the first indication that I am the stand-out U.S. Senate candidate in Virginia, and liberals desperately want to stop me. Click here to contribute now to a war chest that will prevent the people being robbed of the candidate they really want. Help me turn that straw poll victory into a statewide victory in the primary and general elections.  
Leftists do not view Americans who are black as individuals; they view us as part of the leftist collective. They demand that we all think alike, speak alike and for goodness sake, never disagree with liberals and their policies. They are modern day masters who cannot understand why anyone in their charge would want to be free. After all, they have done so much for minorities, right? They have created government dependence, family destruction and an atmosphere of patronizing paternalism that denigrates the humanity of black individuals.
Frankly, liberals favor blacks who "stay in their place" and espouse the leftist foolishness their benefactors propagate. When black Americans dare challenge the liberal status quo, the most vicious and vile things are said against us. Clarence Thomas is proof positive that there are no depths of depravity and dishonesty to which liberals will not sink in order to rid themselves of an "uppity" black conservative.  I humble myself before God and the people who I seek to serve, but I will never bow down to hateful liberals and their efforts to destroy anyone who dares think and speak for himself. Please click here now to help me have the resources I need to take this fight through the primary and ultimately to defeat the liberals in the general election.
This campaign is not about me. It is about our country, our Constitution and our commitment to freedom. I refuse to be deterred, no matter what anyone says about me. I trust Herman Cain will do the same.
As we watch riots and general strikes erupting in our cities, many ask me whether we will survive until November 2012. My answer is simple. We must. This President has denigrated America, stoked class warfare, created and exploited racial division, ruined our economy and forced on us an unprecedented expansion of federal power. He has sown the wind, and now our country is reaping the whirlwind. Let me reassure you, in spite of all the evil the left is foisting on America, we will have elections in 2012 and we will win. Stay strong. We must send Obama back to Chicago and we must elect a truly conservative President and Senate, not go-along-to-get-along RINOS. We need Senators who will not be afraid to rock the boat. Click here to give now. Help me go to the U.S. Senate to reverse the damage that has already been done. 
Our ancestors may have come on different ships, but we're all in the same boat now. Let's work together to preserve our freedom and assure an even brighter future for generations yet to come.  Then we will be able to say to God that we kept the faith, and say to Ben Franklin, "We kept our Republic."
God bless you, and may he continue to bless the United States of America.

For God & Country,
E.W. Jackson
Candidate for U.S.  Senate
P.S. This is a movement to save our country, not merely a campaign to get me elected. Our Founders risked everything to give us our freedom. Please make the most sacrificial contribution you can to the cause, and consider signing up for a recurring monthly contribution. This is an unconventional grassroots campaign because the American people are in no mood for business-as-usual establishment politics. I can assure you that if elected, it will not be business as usual. Thanks for giving today.
 EW on the Campaign Trail
Greene County Republican Pig Roast
Pumpkins & Politics
12th Annual State of The Region Address
Kiwanis Harbor Party & Seafood Feast
York County Republican Committee Meeting
Family Foundation Gala
Virginia at the Crossroads Immigration Summit
College Republicans at Liberty University
Lynchburg Republican Committee
Republican Party of Hampton
Shenandoah Valley Tea Party Debate
Margaret Ransone Fundraiser
Regent Chapel
Tom Harmon

Down the Road...

11/7-Crisis Preg. Cntr. Banquet
11/8- Panelist on WCTV Chesapeake
11/11- Preserving Freedom Conference
11/15- Generation Joshua Banquet
11/17- S. Hampton Roads Leadership Prayer Breakfast
11/18- LEAD VA Dinner
11/19- Chesapeake Taxpayer Alliance
11/19- VA Tea Party Leadership Conf.
11/19- Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation Event
12/2- Republican Advance

12/3- 6th Cong. District Tea Party Candidates Forum



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Jackson For Virginia | P.O. Box 15003 | Chesapeake | VA | 23328

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