Sunday, January 27, 2013

Mtg reminder & Roster/Dues

Fellow VPCCC Delegates: I've attached our latest roster including payment status (PD) wherein a Y indicates paid and a C indicates we've received a commitment.
    Please review all of the information shown and let me know if you have any changes and/or corrections for your organization. Also, please note that we are missing quite a few phone numbers, which we hardly ever use, but would allow constituents to contact you via that medium if/as necessary – So please update me as you see fit.
   Then, remember that our postponed meeting is scheduled for this Thursday the 31st 7 PM at Wynne Ford –  Let's start the year out right with a big turnout –  Mr. McCormack's refreshments alone should make participation well worthwhile.
If you cannot make the meeting and would like to pay your dues via mail – Please send a check made out to VPCCC ($10 for clubs and Individuals, and $25 for businesses)  to me, Larry Hanson, at 102 Heron Ct. Yorktown VA 23692.
Thanks – See you Thursday Night.

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