Thursday, March 12, 2015


Folks: Please see the attached roster – Unless I have it wrong, we still do not have your VPCCC dues – If I do have it wrong, simply reply and inform me. But otherwise, per our bylaws, our March meeting is the deadline for dues payment. So please reply regarding your intent to pay or, if you want to discontinue your support of our hobby, just let me know that too.
    You can either pay at our March meeting (Wednesday 25 March 7 PM at Wynne Ford) or send a check, made out to VPCCC ($10 for clubs and $25 for businesses) to our Treasurer Bob McKenzie at 114 Prince George Drive. Hampton, VA 23669-3604. But again, please reply with your intent.
    Bob will keep me informed so that I can update the roster
Larry Hanson

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