Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Middlesex County Republican Committee - REGISTER TO VOTE, THEN VOTE!

Dear MCRC Members and Friends of MCRC,

At no time in our history has an election been so in jeopardy as what we're facing November 3.  Virginia county registrars are overwhelmed with extensive new regulations to which they must adhere.  Voter fraud is already being reported around the country.  Election Integrity must be first and foremost in our priorities! 

With thanks to MCRC member Elizabeth Johnson for putting this information together and Middlesex County Registrar Melissa Welch for confirming accuracy, attached are items we hope you will use in the coming days. 

Please take time to acquaint yourself with the details on Register to Vote, Then Vote.  If you or a member of your immediate family is not registered to vote, please follow the timelines given and get it done.  Then, VOTE!  If you can't vote in person (which is preferable), be sure to meet the deadlines for Absentee Balloting. 

Also attached is a Suggested Cover Letter (PDF and docx) that you may use to forward this information to friends, family and neighbors.  It isn't partisan, just what's needed to register and vote properly.  The VA Voter Registration Offices List is attached for you to send to anyone outside Middlesex County.  This is important because not every county may open their voting on Saturdays, for example, or at the hours Middlesex has made available.

This isn't a time to believe that "someone else will do it".  Please, please make an effort to do what you can to ensure America remains a free country. 


Trudy Feigum
MCRC Membership Chairman and
Immediate Past Chairman

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