Friday, October 28, 2011

Hunt for Seaford and Dandy History to be held Nov. 5


Hunt for Seaford and Dandy History to be held Nov. 5
October 27, 2011
The third in the series of York County Hunt for History events will be held Saturday, Nov. 5, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Seaford Elementary School, 1105 Seaford Road, in York County. 
The event will feature:
  • Exhibits by various history-related organizations, including genealogical research groups
  • Slide-shows of the historic Seaford and Dandy area photos
  • Lectures / Presentations
       Ms. Susan Antoniewicz do a presentation about the history of Dandy.
       Local historian, Mr. Frank Green, will speak on the history of the Seaford Community
       Ms. Bethany Austin, Hampton History Museum, will instruct participants on how to best care for and preserve important family papers and photographs for future generations
  • Showing of "Virginia in the Civil War: A Sesquicentennial Remembrance," a film series produced by the Virginia Civil War Sesquicentennial Commission to commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the Civil War
  • Antique post card display and sale
  • Children's activities
  • Food and concession sales
Archivists from the York County Historical Museum will be available to digitally copy family letters, photos, diaries, hand-drawn maps and other family documents of historical significance. They will also photograph three-dimensional objects/items of historical significance. Items should be originals and owned by the individual presenting the materials. Individuals will be served on a first-come, first-served basis. 
The event is in cooperation with Virginia's Civil War 150 Legacy Project, which commemorates the 150th anniversary of the Civil War by identifying and recording previously unknown Civil War-era documents. Though Virginia is focusing primarily on the Civil War, the York County Historical Museum is seeking to document historically significant items from any era of York County's history. 
Hunt for York County's History is only one of numerous events planned by the York County Civil War Sesquicentennial Committee and is free and open to the public. For more information, call 757-890-3500 or visit


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