Monday, September 17, 2012

A Letter

            Were the words of John Adams' in 1784, "There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide." a foretelling of Benjamin Franklin's 1787 challenge to Mrs. Powel; "A Republic, Madam, if you can keep it."?

            There are three government restricting principles articulated in the 1st Amendment.

A.      The government will not establish a church or prevent citizens from worshiping as they wish.

B.      Inherent in the concept of "free speech" was the recognition that the voices heard would be against the acts of the central government. The inclusion of the "press" as a particularly protected class was the recognition that it would be a focused voice against the government.

C.      The people had a right to assemble "to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

Is there not cause to wonder why the first issue of the First Amendment is the affirmation of the nation's Christian principles?  Never was it intended to abridge the national belief that God is our Creator and blessed us with our unalienable rights.

Should one not consider whether the role the "Main stream Media" is today playing contrary to intended role of government adversary? The value of the press was to headline to the people the sins of the government, not to champion a particular administration.

When citizens, gathering in purpose of protest, destroy public and private property and cause an expense to the public at large, is this the circumstance envisioned by the First Amendment right of peaceful assembly?

When protections of the citizens of the nation are so wantonly manipulated by the political class and only 57% of those responsible for the election of national leadership care enough about their country to exercise their responsibility of self-governance, the utterances of Adams and Franklin should strike terror in our hearts.


Bob Dewey


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