| | November 1-2, 2013 Hotel Roanoke and Convention Center Roanoke, VA
| Stop by our booth and see all of our new, engaging products, including our 2013-2014 Electronic Field Trip Series! Be sure to attend our breakout sessions. Sessions and times are listed below. | Breakout Session #1 Who Freed the Slaves? Presented by Bill Fetsko and Bill Sullivan Friday, November 1, 2013 9:00-9:50 AM Roanoke Ballroom E During the Civil War, Fort Monroe in Hampton remained in Union hands and became a destination for thousands of enslaved African Americans to claim their freedom. This, and other acts of self- emancipation, has brought in to question the common statement that "Lincoln freed the slaves." Utilizing primary sources, we will strive to determine who was truly responsible for the emancipation of the slave population during this period of time and President Lincoln's role in the process. | Breakout Session #2 Using Active Storytelling to Foster Divergent Thinking Presented by Erin Sloan Friday, November 1, 2013 10:00-10:50 AM Buck Mountain Room Come and explore various group storytelling methods and then participate in a group storytelling session. We will use pre-selected "character" and "scenario" cards based on eighteenth century historical themes, and then participants will have the opportunity to create their own cards for classroom use. We will also explore various technology assets, such as downloadable apps, that will allow participants to use multimedia elements to enhance their narratives. |
Breakout Session #3 How Did We Get Into This Mess Anyway? Presented by Dale Van Eck Tuesday, October 1, 2013 2:00-2:50 PM Harrison Tyler Room The months of late 1776 were "the times that try men's souls." But just how did British citizens in America come to this point? What events led them to declare independence from the most powerful nation on earth? Discover how to use primary sources integrated with technology to put colonial grievances into perspective for students. Meet Edward Rutledge, Benjamin Franklin, and John Adams as they attend a conference with British admiral Lord Howe, hoping to end the American rebellion peacefully. Discover the signers of the Declaration of Independence and the risks in pledging their lives, fortunes and sacred honor. |
Breakout Session #4 Virtual Republic: Civil Discussion for American Youth Presented by Colleen Ziemba Friday, November 1, 2013 3:00-3:50 PM Wilson Room The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation's Virtual Republic, ideaofamerica.org, a free online resource, provides an online debate forum to secondary students where they can learn about, suggest, and discuss policy issues about current events. The Virtual Republic combines education and technology with an element of social media, allowing students to connect and discuss civics with national peers. Participants are encouraged to BYOD as we explore the assets of the Virtual Republic. | | The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Education Outreach P.O. Box 1776 Williamsburg, VA 23185 1.800.761.8331
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